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Current flyer Atlantic Superstore - Valid from 20.03 to 09.04 - Page nb 4

Flyer Atlantic Superstore 20.03.2025 - 09.04.2025

Products in this flyer

= TakeAlongs 4 PCE ST | SET OA PETA =~ " Way i Coreen, msuacans yo mtr Focus IES ek ——§ Shana Simply Authentic Food Shredded Cocona Nott de cove tipée ee TANDOORI é = PANEER : POPPERS Daa Pats Cle. COW DP POPCORN ATS SOUFFLE Me REAL ATLANTIC @RealAtlanticSS €2 @AtlanticSuperstore SUPERSTORE CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-727-0771. VISIT FOR STORE HOURS. (Quantities anor selection of fms may be Beit ad may nck be vada i al stoes Fer inquiries on prodect avalatity a your store please contact Oystemer Relations at fe above pose sumer, a Ranchecks OR Sbsthtors on Clearance ems of where quanties are advernued as kewted Adwertised regutar pricing and product selection (flavour, color, patterns, style) may vary by store location. We ave not obligate’ to set Memes based on errors of magERtS e Typography Betoyraghy. Pring « ‘i references to “Seve, Was, Now, Szengs, ee.” © comparson xr ewe regs geces. Coupons mst be preseted and redeemed at te ot purchase a vaer i each sore Iecation, tases, depts, cr emieonmenta suchas ae era. Mo sles 1b retal utets. @."™ The rademars, sence macs and ogc Gplayed in Dis yr are radeears f Loblaws i. and cers. lights served. © 2623 Loboms ne MasterCard and ‘he MasterCard Grand Wark ave reseed Yademarks and PayPas sa Wademark ot MasterCard iemaonal corparaed. Presents Chace Bark aiensee of marks. PC Optmam™ program povided by Presdert's Chace Servces inc. Prescert's proved by Pesce’ Chace Bank. Prestent's Once Frances personal baking serves ae proved by he Gect tanking sion of Sep Franca. @PC, Presets Coce, PC rancid and Presents Once Frarcal are registered vadenarts of Lobes Ic. Trademarks esd under lcence We reserve Be right to ent antes to reasorae tami reqaresects PCOPTIMRAA MEMBERS ONLY: hese ces re cely avaible to vald PC Optmam”™ program members. Membership ree To register a aPC Optimum member se n-stre o wst prapenam ca We are net cbigated award ports tased on eres or msgs. Na cash vale, See atarticupertne ca ft program cxtals incu redengten restos Mme redempton 11000 ports. These oes canna be cetined wth ny cBex coups, courts or prometins and no agustments on preva purchases. We reserve to mociy ce cancel these eters witout nce. Product axiabty may vary by stare. Wile supe Last We reserve te og ent quartet “cv he pots spaced when you spend te caaltyng alas ameunt on the deployed parting products andl category) efare tars and wer redemgtions and a coupons and cout are educa nga Fansacton, “Vaid tor ys Guan, ae wtch De price wil be te same for to PC Optmem”™ and nx- PC Optima’ member. Taxes arpeable one purchase aout ae actus. PC Optimum™ member pricing i et aptcable aay price match popes for Darsopatng sores eperaing onder Be Laas ne. barnet RAVA4

Latest flyers

= TakeAlongs 4 PCE ST | SET OA PETA =~ " Way i Coreen, msuacans yo mtr Focus IES ek ——§ Shana Simply Authentic Food Shredded Cocona Nott de cove tipée ee TANDOORI é = PANEER : POPPERS Daa Pats Cle. COW DP POPCORN ATS SOUFFLE Me REAL ATLANTIC @RealAtlanticSS €2 @AtlanticSuperstore SUPERSTORE CUSTOMER RELATIONS 1-866-727-0771. VISIT FOR STORE HOURS. (Quantities anor selection of fms may be Beit ad may nck be vada i al stoes Fer inquiries on prodect avalatity a your store please contact Oystemer Relations at fe above pose sumer, a Ranchecks OR Sbsthtors on Clearance ems of where quanties are advernued as kewted Adwertised regutar pricing and product selection (flavour, color, patterns, style) may vary by store location. We ave not obligate’ to set Memes based on errors of magERtS e Typography Betoyraghy. Pring « ‘i references to “Seve, Was, Now, Szengs, ee.” © comparson xr ewe regs geces. Coupons mst be preseted and redeemed at te ot purchase a vaer i each sore Iecation, tases, depts, cr emieonmenta suchas ae era. Mo sles 1b retal utets. @."™ The rademars, sence macs and ogc Gplayed in Dis yr are radeears f Loblaws i. and cers. lights served. © 2623 Loboms ne MasterCard and ‘he MasterCard Grand Wark ave reseed Yademarks and PayPas sa Wademark ot MasterCard iemaonal corparaed. Presents Chace Bark aiensee of marks. PC Optmam™ program povided by Presdert's Chace Servces inc. Prescert's proved by Pesce’ Chace Bank. Prestent's Once Frances personal baking serves ae proved by he Gect tanking sion of Sep Franca. @PC, Presets Coce, PC rancid and Presents Once Frarcal are registered vadenarts of Lobes Ic. Trademarks esd under lcence We reserve Be right to ent antes to reasorae tami reqaresects PCOPTIMRAA MEMBERS ONLY: hese ces re cely avaible to vald PC Optmam”™ program members. Membership ree To register a aPC Optimum member se n-stre o wst prapenam ca We are net cbigated award ports tased on eres or msgs. Na cash vale, See atarticupertne ca ft program cxtals incu redengten restos Mme redempton 11000 ports. These oes canna be cetined wth ny cBex coups, courts or prometins and no agustments on preva purchases. We reserve to mociy ce cancel these eters witout nce. Product axiabty may vary by stare. Wile supe Last We reserve te og ent quartet “cv he pots spaced when you spend te caaltyng alas ameunt on the deployed parting products andl category) efare tars and wer redemgtions and a coupons and cout are educa nga Fansacton, “Vaid tor ys Guan, ae wtch De price wil be te same for to PC Optmem”™ and nx- PC Optima’ member. Taxes arpeable one purchase aout ae actus. PC Optimum™ member pricing i et aptcable aay price match popes for Darsopatng sores eperaing onder Be Laas ne. barnet RAVA4

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