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Current flyer Canadian Tire - Valid from 15.09 to 21.09 - Page nb 5

Flyer Canadian Tire 15.09.2022 - 21.09.2022

Products in this flyer

DE0338-22 BLACK CHROME SOCKET SETS iar “oo 58-92678, (MASTERCRAFT: @ Reg 119.99 58-586. Masrencnar? / Reg 249.99, smo A? eg 259.99, G a Reg 103.99 Q @ 58.9444-4, 58-0572. Save up to 50% Sale 17.49-89.99 Reg 34.99-139.99 Selected Impact Socket Sets, 58-03551/9532-4, ich MAXIMUM” A h, \ h (MASTERCRAF? (MasTERCRAF? per 49.99 1-Pc Professional Grade Pliers Set. 516650. Save up to 35% Sale 9.99-49.99 SAVE | Sale 49.99 Reg 99.99 Reg 14.99-79.99 Selected Hand Tools fo 1.4A Rotary Tool with 250-Pc Sale 44.99 Reg 149.99 17-Pc Bi-Metal “Details in-store or oniine. and Sets. 58-1689x. Accessory Kit. 54-4892-4, Hole Saw Set. Sizes %" to 24". s4-7914-6. \MASTERCRAFP MAX\MUM™ 9 Reg 111.99 le 27.99 Reg 49. 24.99 Reg 89.99 69-Pc Screwdriver Vy Impact Ready ‘Shears. 543890-4. 5-Pc Adjustable Wrench Set. s-03-6. Ny =m * et with Stand 6004, Sale 14.99-83,99 Reg 19.99-104.99 Save up to 50% Sale 5.99-23.99 Reg 9.99-39.99 Sale 12.99 Reg 49.99 20-Pc Screwdriver 99.99 Reg 129.99 15SA7%" Circular Selected Saw Blades and Accessory Sets. Selected Adjustable Wrenches and Set. seas QM stone. Saw with Bade Track seta s4-ora. CLEARANCE ON SELECTED TOOLS vs [NO INTEREST fancing. Monthly pring based on 4 equal payments. Applicable taes and fees not incuded. See inside back pa ggg ree TEREST anc: Morty pring hase 24 equal payments Apeacathe tes avid Fees nok UGGS see kia Deck ER EC CAS.

Latest flyers

DE0338-22 BLACK CHROME SOCKET SETS iar “oo 58-92678, (MASTERCRAFT: @ Reg 119.99 58-586. Masrencnar? / Reg 249.99, smo A? eg 259.99, G a Reg 103.99 Q @ 58.9444-4, 58-0572. Save up to 50% Sale 17.49-89.99 Reg 34.99-139.99 Selected Impact Socket Sets, 58-03551/9532-4, ich MAXIMUM” A h, \ h (MASTERCRAF? (MasTERCRAF? per 49.99 1-Pc Professional Grade Pliers Set. 516650. Save up to 35% Sale 9.99-49.99 SAVE | Sale 49.99 Reg 99.99 Reg 14.99-79.99 Selected Hand Tools fo 1.4A Rotary Tool with 250-Pc Sale 44.99 Reg 149.99 17-Pc Bi-Metal “Details in-store or oniine. and Sets. 58-1689x. Accessory Kit. 54-4892-4, Hole Saw Set. Sizes %" to 24". s4-7914-6. \MASTERCRAFP MAX\MUM™ 9 Reg 111.99 le 27.99 Reg 49. 24.99 Reg 89.99 69-Pc Screwdriver Vy Impact Ready ‘Shears. 543890-4. 5-Pc Adjustable Wrench Set. s-03-6. Ny =m * et with Stand 6004, Sale 14.99-83,99 Reg 19.99-104.99 Save up to 50% Sale 5.99-23.99 Reg 9.99-39.99 Sale 12.99 Reg 49.99 20-Pc Screwdriver 99.99 Reg 129.99 15SA7%" Circular Selected Saw Blades and Accessory Sets. Selected Adjustable Wrenches and Set. seas QM stone. Saw with Bade Track seta s4-ora. CLEARANCE ON SELECTED TOOLS vs [NO INTEREST fancing. Monthly pring based on 4 equal payments. Applicable taes and fees not incuded. See inside back pa ggg ree TEREST anc: Morty pring hase 24 equal payments Apeacathe tes avid Fees nok UGGS see kia Deck ER EC CAS.

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