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Current flyer Co-op Food - Valid from 26.12 to 30.11 - Page nb 9

Flyer Co-op Food 26.12.2024 - 30.11.2025

Products in this flyer

CONTENDER || CS À ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Quizalofop P-ethyl GROUP: 1 PACKAGING: 1x8 L CONTENDER®, 1 x 8 LIPCO MSO Adjuvant or Drums, 192 L (96 L+ 96 L) RAINFAST: 1 hour REGISTERED CROPS: Alfalfa (for seed), camelina, canola, canola-quality brassica juncea, chickpeas, creeping red fescue (for seed), dry beans, established alsike clover (for seed), established red clover (for seed), faba beans, flax, lentils, mustard, narrow leaf lupin, peas, seedling legume (for seed), soybeans, sugar beets, sunflowers APPLICATION RATE: 0.15-0.3 L/acre of Contender 11+ 0.5 Lper 100 L spray solution of IPCO MSO adjuvant (26-53 acres per case) KEY WEEDS CONTROLLED" + Barnyard grass + Downy brome + Foxtail barley + Green foxtail + Japanese brome + Quackgrass *Refer to product label for detailed rate and weed staging information PRO TIPS TANK MIX OPTIONS: Ally, Basagran, Basagran Forté, Express SG, Muster, Pinnacle, Liberty 150 SN #apply tank-mix partner to registered crops only WATER VOLUME: Ground application 10 gal/acre (use higher rate to improve coverage) Aerial application: (3-5 gal/acre) + Volunteer barley Volunteer corn Volunteer oats + Use 50 mesh screens or larger. À spray pressure of 210-275 kPa (30-40 psi) is recommended. Avoid overlapping. Shut off spray booms while starting, tuning, slowing or stopping to prevent overapplication + Use spray preparation of Contender Il herbi If spray preparation is left without agitation, thoroughly agitate before using + Forthe majority of weeds, apply at the 2- to 3-leaf stage for optimum control + Wide window of application ide within 24 hours or product degradation may occur. STORAGE: Do not freeze TANK MIX ORDER: Add tank mix partner first (except Basagran Forté) followed by Contender herbicide, then adjuvant (add Basagran Forté after Contender but before adjuvant) + Volunteer wheat Wild oats + _ Yellow foxtail Do not apply when environmental conditions such as wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, etc. are favourable for drift to occur GRAMINICIDES | 9

Latest flyers

CONTENDER || CS À ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Quizalofop P-ethyl GROUP: 1 PACKAGING: 1x8 L CONTENDER®, 1 x 8 LIPCO MSO Adjuvant or Drums, 192 L (96 L+ 96 L) RAINFAST: 1 hour REGISTERED CROPS: Alfalfa (for seed), camelina, canola, canola-quality brassica juncea, chickpeas, creeping red fescue (for seed), dry beans, established alsike clover (for seed), established red clover (for seed), faba beans, flax, lentils, mustard, narrow leaf lupin, peas, seedling legume (for seed), soybeans, sugar beets, sunflowers APPLICATION RATE: 0.15-0.3 L/acre of Contender 11+ 0.5 Lper 100 L spray solution of IPCO MSO adjuvant (26-53 acres per case) KEY WEEDS CONTROLLED" + Barnyard grass + Downy brome + Foxtail barley + Green foxtail + Japanese brome + Quackgrass *Refer to product label for detailed rate and weed staging information PRO TIPS TANK MIX OPTIONS: Ally, Basagran, Basagran Forté, Express SG, Muster, Pinnacle, Liberty 150 SN #apply tank-mix partner to registered crops only WATER VOLUME: Ground application 10 gal/acre (use higher rate to improve coverage) Aerial application: (3-5 gal/acre) + Volunteer barley Volunteer corn Volunteer oats + Use 50 mesh screens or larger. À spray pressure of 210-275 kPa (30-40 psi) is recommended. Avoid overlapping. Shut off spray booms while starting, tuning, slowing or stopping to prevent overapplication + Use spray preparation of Contender Il herbi If spray preparation is left without agitation, thoroughly agitate before using + Forthe majority of weeds, apply at the 2- to 3-leaf stage for optimum control + Wide window of application ide within 24 hours or product degradation may occur. STORAGE: Do not freeze TANK MIX ORDER: Add tank mix partner first (except Basagran Forté) followed by Contender herbicide, then adjuvant (add Basagran Forté after Contender but before adjuvant) + Volunteer wheat Wild oats + _ Yellow foxtail Do not apply when environmental conditions such as wind speed, temperature, relative humidity, etc. are favourable for drift to occur GRAMINICIDES | 9

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