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Current flyer Food Basics - Valid from 25.08 to 21.09 - Page nb 2

Flyer Food Basics 25.08.2022 - 21.09.2022

Products in this flyer

~- EES = [sseaien) 3 " ) ah sf a i SELECTION ip - & INSTANT vate OATMEAL g “ 380 - 430 G SELECTED VARIETIES " a ESS, 6 setection IF YF wares 43'S, FROZEN mm Ca. @a@. SELECTED VARIETIES v j= ae il SELECTION SELECTION PEAMEAL-STYLE a Z & smoked d @% SLICED BACON y HAM STEAKS, yw ROLLED IN 250 CORNMEAL a @ a. SELECTED varieries Jib 9.90%K6 *. —_ 7 — } & ‘ * a a 49 SELECTION ENGLISH MUFFINS *e @a. —Pack12 ™ Gm Flak pe te x us |esg|2remre ‘en a SELECTION SELECTION QO rut cookep @ Z Bs cORN FLAKES OR YI acon J GRAN FLAKES 656 680-775 6 @@. SELECTED VARIETIES a @@, SELECTED VARIETIES black tea the noir \ SELECTION] ORANGE |PEKOE\TEA 21655 (Gay SELECTEDVARIETIES' ADD ALITTLE more flavour to your healthy choices SELECTION PANCAKE MIX OR *)49 mm Ca. SYRUP, 905 G, 750 ML SELECTED VARIETIES Semi-sweet, these chocolate Bringing you high-quality products that are as good x ol for your body as they are > a delicious. A little more of the ee « lo e ingredients you want, like oe protein and vitamins, and less . mi of what you don’t want, like SELECTION salt, sugar and gluten — enjoy CHOCOLATE CHIPS SELECTED VARIETIES healthy choices without compromising on taste. IRRESISTIBLES REAL WHIPPED CREAM 2256 SELECTED VARIETIES 4999 mm Ca. IRRESISTIBLES. ORANGE JUICE SELECTED VARIETIES aus e [ae ren everything SELECTION A tout garni BAGELS PACK 6 SELECTED VARIETIES 49 mmm ¢€a. LIFE[SMART) (ORGANIC! WARGE|EGGS) 1255} ‘SELECTED VARIETIES) bine 25106 = ERPS le ~ " - F y ITES \ ig 3G irresisTiBies YI warcarine 907 G NATURALIA @a@, SELECTED vanleries 100% tiquro EGG WHITES, a 4 ak Ea ae a iLIFE/SMARTs 2 2S NATURALIAN GROUNDICOFFEE| IF. EGG\WHITES) mm ea 92516 50016) ‘SELECTED VARIETIES 'SELEGTED| VARIETIES, ea: ADD ALITTLE more flavour to your healthy choices

Latest flyers

~- EES = [sseaien) 3 " ) ah sf a i SELECTION ip - & INSTANT vate OATMEAL g “ 380 - 430 G SELECTED VARIETIES " a ESS, 6 setection IF YF wares 43'S, FROZEN mm Ca. @a@. SELECTED VARIETIES v j= ae il SELECTION SELECTION PEAMEAL-STYLE a Z & smoked d @% SLICED BACON y HAM STEAKS, yw ROLLED IN 250 CORNMEAL a @ a. SELECTED varieries Jib 9.90%K6 *. —_ 7 — } & ‘ * a a 49 SELECTION ENGLISH MUFFINS *e @a. —Pack12 ™ Gm Flak pe te x us |esg|2remre ‘en a SELECTION SELECTION QO rut cookep @ Z Bs cORN FLAKES OR YI acon J GRAN FLAKES 656 680-775 6 @@. SELECTED VARIETIES a @@, SELECTED VARIETIES black tea the noir \ SELECTION] ORANGE |PEKOE\TEA 21655 (Gay SELECTEDVARIETIES' ADD ALITTLE more flavour to your healthy choices SELECTION PANCAKE MIX OR *)49 mm Ca. SYRUP, 905 G, 750 ML SELECTED VARIETIES Semi-sweet, these chocolate Bringing you high-quality products that are as good x ol for your body as they are > a delicious. A little more of the ee « lo e ingredients you want, like oe protein and vitamins, and less . mi of what you don’t want, like SELECTION salt, sugar and gluten — enjoy CHOCOLATE CHIPS SELECTED VARIETIES healthy choices without compromising on taste. IRRESISTIBLES REAL WHIPPED CREAM 2256 SELECTED VARIETIES 4999 mm Ca. IRRESISTIBLES. ORANGE JUICE SELECTED VARIETIES aus e [ae ren everything SELECTION A tout garni BAGELS PACK 6 SELECTED VARIETIES 49 mmm ¢€a. LIFE[SMART) (ORGANIC! WARGE|EGGS) 1255} ‘SELECTED VARIETIES) bine 25106 = ERPS le ~ " - F y ITES \ ig 3G irresisTiBies YI warcarine 907 G NATURALIA @a@, SELECTED vanleries 100% tiquro EGG WHITES, a 4 ak Ea ae a iLIFE/SMARTs 2 2S NATURALIAN GROUNDICOFFEE| IF. EGG\WHITES) mm ea 92516 50016) ‘SELECTED VARIETIES 'SELEGTED| VARIETIES, ea: ADD ALITTLE more flavour to your healthy choices

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