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Current flyer Foodland - Valid from 26.01 to 01.02 - Page nb 9

Flyer Foodland 26.01.2023 - 01.02.2023

Products in this flyer

8 COMPLIMENTS. Burgers selected varieties 851 g-1.13 kg Seone* Reggiano 200 g 9 QQ without PANACHE Parmigiano Cord we : BECEL Margarine 637-850 g 699 Sat Bos f Ga NATURE VALLEY Sweet & Salty Granola Bars 192-210 g. Protein Bars 148 g. FIBRE 1 Bars 125-175 g or BETTY CROCKER Fruit Shapes 226g CASHMERE Bathroom Tissue 8-12=24 rolls SPONGE TOWELS 6 pk or SCOTTIES Facial Tissue 6 pk 1079 pron (ee) ic Pent a) COCA-COLA Mini Bottles 8x300 mL or AHA Sparkling Water 12x355 mL The Scenes Lopaty Program 6 aaditie sta purtcpatien Foodland locations No bine Scenes poset eared. See weekly cer fee cureet ways to ears Seenes pouty ane wn Hep: wee sceoepA ca Sermy and conditions toe hl Terms and Condes. ~~ ” RE s je ‘ Ss 4 ~ \ . 4 ss Pap aceon ie Boneless Skinless > VF. Chicken Breasts = Kaiser Rolls 500-530 g PUBASE WASIL BEFORE USING, LAVER LA LAITUE AVANTE VUTIUSER, ANDY BOY Romaine Hearts product of USA or Mexico 3 pk COMPLIMENTS Salad Dressing 475 mt. or Flavoured Spreads 300 mL COMPLIMENTS. Frozen Vegetables selected $00-750 g 999 <2 Cts LEAF ae: es to reasonable famty requrements. Text orevails when 3 photo does not correspond to the Gescriston Dealer may sel for less. “Save off thes price” retads refer to the regulsr comoetstive sheif price at most locations In stores open 24 hours flyer prices are ettective from & am Thursday until Midnight Wednesday DARE Breton Crackers 120-250 g. Bites 200 g. Crisps 100 g or Vinta Crackers 200-250 g 2/ $3 CLOVER LEAF Skipjack Tuna 170 g or Flavoured Tuna 85 g - 9 9 ARMSTRONG or SAPUTO NESTLE Turtles Large Heart Shredded Cheese 183 g or FERRERO ROCHER 900 g-1 kg Heart Chocolates 174 200g Selection may vary by store fe supoiies last, Advertised prices co not inchuce any soptkatie taxes OF CeDONeS Savings based cn cur regular retails. We reverve Be right to but quan 99 fll Q99 scores SERTOLL ove Oil 750 mL-tL ‘Al weely Scents fers exclude anes, detvery charges. Ba payments service fees, rental ees, event ichets. gift cards ad dairy products bn Atlant regions, pre paid car, postal podhuct and services, Westem Union, McCafe’/Tim Morton” /Starbucks” product and services selec regs, prescription deg. en prexerption pharmacy sernces, quer and aco Beverages tobacco products lofery pts fichang. deposts. emeronencetal urges fuel and other goods and vervices wich are non ec oustabie oF each by law. Rede 1,000 Scenes for SbO towarch your parhane up toa maniemum of $0,000 Sere» points (equivalent to $500) pr day. Scenes Ter Coren oto pedeee your pets, vik Mp wn serps ca term-and conditions Al ther are sabe to change aed may be withdrawn without notice. Trademart of Scene Pius Corporation ened under Scene by Sebeys Capa Incorporated Wendy afters are avaestie onby

Latest flyers

8 COMPLIMENTS. Burgers selected varieties 851 g-1.13 kg Seone* Reggiano 200 g 9 QQ without PANACHE Parmigiano Cord we : BECEL Margarine 637-850 g 699 Sat Bos f Ga NATURE VALLEY Sweet & Salty Granola Bars 192-210 g. Protein Bars 148 g. FIBRE 1 Bars 125-175 g or BETTY CROCKER Fruit Shapes 226g CASHMERE Bathroom Tissue 8-12=24 rolls SPONGE TOWELS 6 pk or SCOTTIES Facial Tissue 6 pk 1079 pron (ee) ic Pent a) COCA-COLA Mini Bottles 8x300 mL or AHA Sparkling Water 12x355 mL The Scenes Lopaty Program 6 aaditie sta purtcpatien Foodland locations No bine Scenes poset eared. See weekly cer fee cureet ways to ears Seenes pouty ane wn Hep: wee sceoepA ca Sermy and conditions toe hl Terms and Condes. ~~ ” RE s je ‘ Ss 4 ~ \ . 4 ss Pap aceon ie Boneless Skinless > VF. Chicken Breasts = Kaiser Rolls 500-530 g PUBASE WASIL BEFORE USING, LAVER LA LAITUE AVANTE VUTIUSER, ANDY BOY Romaine Hearts product of USA or Mexico 3 pk COMPLIMENTS Salad Dressing 475 mt. or Flavoured Spreads 300 mL COMPLIMENTS. Frozen Vegetables selected $00-750 g 999 <2 Cts LEAF ae: es to reasonable famty requrements. Text orevails when 3 photo does not correspond to the Gescriston Dealer may sel for less. “Save off thes price” retads refer to the regulsr comoetstive sheif price at most locations In stores open 24 hours flyer prices are ettective from & am Thursday until Midnight Wednesday DARE Breton Crackers 120-250 g. Bites 200 g. Crisps 100 g or Vinta Crackers 200-250 g 2/ $3 CLOVER LEAF Skipjack Tuna 170 g or Flavoured Tuna 85 g - 9 9 ARMSTRONG or SAPUTO NESTLE Turtles Large Heart Shredded Cheese 183 g or FERRERO ROCHER 900 g-1 kg Heart Chocolates 174 200g Selection may vary by store fe supoiies last, Advertised prices co not inchuce any soptkatie taxes OF CeDONeS Savings based cn cur regular retails. We reverve Be right to but quan 99 fll Q99 scores SERTOLL ove Oil 750 mL-tL ‘Al weely Scents fers exclude anes, detvery charges. Ba payments service fees, rental ees, event ichets. gift cards ad dairy products bn Atlant regions, pre paid car, postal podhuct and services, Westem Union, McCafe’/Tim Morton” /Starbucks” product and services selec regs, prescription deg. en prexerption pharmacy sernces, quer and aco Beverages tobacco products lofery pts fichang. deposts. emeronencetal urges fuel and other goods and vervices wich are non ec oustabie oF each by law. Rede 1,000 Scenes for SbO towarch your parhane up toa maniemum of $0,000 Sere» points (equivalent to $500) pr day. Scenes Ter Coren oto pedeee your pets, vik Mp wn serps ca term-and conditions Al ther are sabe to change aed may be withdrawn without notice. Trademart of Scene Pius Corporation ened under Scene by Sebeys Capa Incorporated Wendy afters are avaestie onby

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