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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 6

Flyer Jean Coutu 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

por AVEENO i . KLORANE <- ) Sols pour la peas . = GARNER Produts stie < capillaires - Aveeno aac Seas a Prost capiakes ou catfants Aveeno. m ~ ou coiffants in sĂ©lectionnĂ©s * - stlectonnĂ©s: Selected hair Dove Selected hair care >» are and hair ey wen palate s and hair styling styling products products JOHN FRIEDA *, Soins capilaires ou cosflantssecioenĂ© pee Selected hair care and DEGREE * MotionSense hair styling products Antisudoriiques Antisudorifiques ou dĂ©odorants yu deodorants stlectonnes sĂ©lectionnĂ©s De cts ced antiperspirants Selected antiperspirants and deodorants and deodorants 14g, 1079 } } y , i y a r di | Aveeno Lubriderm | veeno Aveeno. y esa > errs ah “a e 1 * NEUTROGENA , Avemne = + LUBRIDERM e | Neutrogers | . ee * AVEENO oo i fe ‘i Selected facil LIVE CLEAN Huile ou lotion Savons & mains pour fe corps Hand soaps soratocen | <=> Pr 450, 900 ml 12 ATTITUDE Super Leaves DĂ©odorants sĂ©lectionnĂ©s on Selected deodorants @ a THEORIE Shampooings ou revitalisants ‘Shampoos or conditioners 0 mi ay Lei [TT oy PHILIPS Py ELLEGANCE Tondeuses tout-en-un Accessoires &cheveux sĂ©lsciomees 6 4 sĂ©lectonnĂ©s Selected all-in-one ch Selected hair accessories OFF | trimmers Cs LOREAL: GILLETTE — PARIS sĂ© Selected razors (2 —_ RISTA per pack 1 per pack) te Couleur Sem Perm ae lear Permanent: Color SCHICK * Hydro 5 + Xtreme 3 te irs OU cartouches de tames sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected razors and blade cartridges products 14° << |Shintimate es s cy fore ae tb ate m=! sadapter a vous ielocers iat se Pei tate : 599 Rasoirs sĂ© Selecod pri Du 8 au 14 SEPTEMBRE 2022

Latest flyers

por AVEENO i . KLORANE <- ) Sols pour la peas . = GARNER Produts stie < capillaires - Aveeno aac Seas a Prost capiakes ou catfants Aveeno. m ~ ou coiffants in sĂ©lectionnĂ©s * - stlectonnĂ©s: Selected hair Dove Selected hair care >» are and hair ey wen palate s and hair styling styling products products JOHN FRIEDA *, Soins capilaires ou cosflantssecioenĂ© pee Selected hair care and DEGREE * MotionSense hair styling products Antisudoriiques Antisudorifiques ou dĂ©odorants yu deodorants stlectonnes sĂ©lectionnĂ©s De cts ced antiperspirants Selected antiperspirants and deodorants and deodorants 14g, 1079 } } y , i y a r di | Aveeno Lubriderm | veeno Aveeno. y esa > errs ah “a e 1 * NEUTROGENA , Avemne = + LUBRIDERM e | Neutrogers | . ee * AVEENO oo i fe ‘i Selected facil LIVE CLEAN Huile ou lotion Savons & mains pour fe corps Hand soaps soratocen | <=> Pr 450, 900 ml 12 ATTITUDE Super Leaves DĂ©odorants sĂ©lectionnĂ©s on Selected deodorants @ a THEORIE Shampooings ou revitalisants ‘Shampoos or conditioners 0 mi ay Lei [TT oy PHILIPS Py ELLEGANCE Tondeuses tout-en-un Accessoires &cheveux sĂ©lsciomees 6 4 sĂ©lectonnĂ©s Selected all-in-one ch Selected hair accessories OFF | trimmers Cs LOREAL: GILLETTE — PARIS sĂ© Selected razors (2 —_ RISTA per pack 1 per pack) te Couleur Sem Perm ae lear Permanent: Color SCHICK * Hydro 5 + Xtreme 3 te irs OU cartouches de tames sĂ©lectionnĂ©s Selected razors and blade cartridges products 14° << |Shintimate es s cy fore ae tb ate m=! sadapter a vous ielocers iat se Pei tate : 599 Rasoirs sĂ© Selecod pri Du 8 au 14 SEPTEMBRE 2022

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