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Current flyer Jean Coutu - Valid from 01.09 to 07.09 - Page nb 3

Flyer Jean Coutu 01.09.2022 - 07.09.2022

Products in this flyer

CERAVE | — __ VAGISIL RICOLA mal Packs of 17 - 19 ml Cera m Ultra headache relief, 80 999 208248 Us Mi 499 Foam 2 MESSAGE IMPORTANT pons “ey culottes TensioenĂ©tres au choix Assorted blood pressure monitors Fem | Comy socks er pack’ wien laments, . | Du Choix pour bĂ©bĂ©! —_ smn ANENT aw Eon : a | ae Âź afe)*@ ecoy/ 6 Aveeno — Aveeno F & 72 © aes ATTITUDE - coe 2 . s HEINZ de Nature Puree r= Ss bet | ca i | 4/to ch./ea, ch. / 0. | 550 9 578 g 6299, 663g s enfants UALBUM / THE ALBUM amere chaulacl loujours aad de / by Cindy Soa Ah ‘ ts) ° }| OFFRE EXCLUSIVE KE & ] ‘DxLUNVE OnreR = Excuat es impresins staan es ae Knsaoe Pingressioe sum rest " puliser le code de promotion ae moment Ge cealemer la commande, "P Cartes SIM maintenant disponibles. Demandez Ia votre au comptoir caisse*. SIM cards now available. Ask for yours at the register.* ey 4 ‘SEPTEMBER 1 to 7, 2022 2 aC fizz Da

Latest flyers

CERAVE | — __ VAGISIL RICOLA mal Packs of 17 - 19 ml Cera m Ultra headache relief, 80 999 208248 Us Mi 499 Foam 2 MESSAGE IMPORTANT pons “ey culottes TensioenĂ©tres au choix Assorted blood pressure monitors Fem | Comy socks er pack’ wien laments, . | Du Choix pour bĂ©bĂ©! —_ smn ANENT aw Eon : a | ae Âź afe)*@ ecoy/ 6 Aveeno — Aveeno F & 72 © aes ATTITUDE - coe 2 . s HEINZ de Nature Puree r= Ss bet | ca i | 4/to ch./ea, ch. / 0. | 550 9 578 g 6299, 663g s enfants UALBUM / THE ALBUM amere chaulacl loujours aad de / by Cindy Soa Ah ‘ ts) ° }| OFFRE EXCLUSIVE KE & ] ‘DxLUNVE OnreR = Excuat es impresins staan es ae Knsaoe Pingressioe sum rest " puliser le code de promotion ae moment Ge cealemer la commande, "P Cartes SIM maintenant disponibles. Demandez Ia votre au comptoir caisse*. SIM cards now available. Ask for yours at the register.* ey 4 ‘SEPTEMBER 1 to 7, 2022 2 aC fizz Da

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