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Current flyer Metro - Valid from 15.09 to 21.09 - Page nb 4

Flyer Metro 15.09.2022 - 21.09.2022

Products in this flyer

a) Ay iper 0 1} _ OA Dated ae PAIN DE VIANDE DE PORC ~ ‘YOUR ARE TES EN MACAO ao] roan oQ 1B21q an ~~ a a ~ PIMENTS FARCIS Foes coment STOPPED POPPERS, cone Pac sDE 250$ EN EPICERIE D'ICI! 6°. vetaiis sur ~ BAJOUES DE Mees TRANCHE THEBERGE (-. ‘GAGNANT =? JS yn & PATES FARCIES Pil ateeler lel anes STOFED PASTA Concours THe at ts nasa ams Ut at re lad a Ce EL aa IRRESISTIBI emus 999 fad ae ‘ALOUETTES DE BOEUF OU DE POULET FARCIES oa (omc STUPED BU 0 OncAEN noe, conanc rc Azh FILET DE PORC FARCL ‘AMMERERES, FT Conant = " 9 POR TENERLON. COND CK eure FUMES wuts oa LesTERs ‘oduntrisencish SERS aL EE WEES ¢ SAUCISSES i GRILLER PETE INTIOUE sae Oats ean rn SOE DEFROMAGE Samed, 35 75 tod wa Samstet a Poe Dag, vk aes Ena ‘Rae RLS FRENTE SKS “799 PATE A TARTE FRANCOIS HUBERT ‘hg, VOR VARICES Ex AGA exe aac en BAVETTE OE BOEUF 8 99 EARLE, 259 wrnvmn ESCALOPES DE VEAU DE GRAIN FRAIS acon can rtp AL SAL IS 3 BOULETTES DE BOEUF ANGUS IRRESISTIBLES ‘SORELLE. 6g ferssracs crn inane ; Ca Peter BURGERS DE BOEUF ert QS ‘melts. 182 { Pott meee cum oe

Latest flyers

a) Ay iper 0 1} _ OA Dated ae PAIN DE VIANDE DE PORC ~ ‘YOUR ARE TES EN MACAO ao] roan oQ 1B21q an ~~ a a ~ PIMENTS FARCIS Foes coment STOPPED POPPERS, cone Pac sDE 250$ EN EPICERIE D'ICI! 6°. vetaiis sur ~ BAJOUES DE Mees TRANCHE THEBERGE (-. ‘GAGNANT =? JS yn & PATES FARCIES Pil ateeler lel anes STOFED PASTA Concours THe at ts nasa ams Ut at re lad a Ce EL aa IRRESISTIBI emus 999 fad ae ‘ALOUETTES DE BOEUF OU DE POULET FARCIES oa (omc STUPED BU 0 OncAEN noe, conanc rc Azh FILET DE PORC FARCL ‘AMMERERES, FT Conant = " 9 POR TENERLON. COND CK eure FUMES wuts oa LesTERs ‘oduntrisencish SERS aL EE WEES ¢ SAUCISSES i GRILLER PETE INTIOUE sae Oats ean rn SOE DEFROMAGE Samed, 35 75 tod wa Samstet a Poe Dag, vk aes Ena ‘Rae RLS FRENTE SKS “799 PATE A TARTE FRANCOIS HUBERT ‘hg, VOR VARICES Ex AGA exe aac en BAVETTE OE BOEUF 8 99 EARLE, 259 wrnvmn ESCALOPES DE VEAU DE GRAIN FRAIS acon can rtp AL SAL IS 3 BOULETTES DE BOEUF ANGUS IRRESISTIBLES ‘SORELLE. 6g ferssracs crn inane ; Ca Peter BURGERS DE BOEUF ert QS ‘melts. 182 { Pott meee cum oe

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