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Current flyer M&M Food Market - Valid from 14.11 to 20.11 - Page nb 9

Flyer M&M Food Market 14.11.2024 - 20.11.2024

Products in this flyer

ST. 27-33 PIECES136k£/31b Flatbreads - 4408-5158 _ 6 Varieties Ultimate Sauce Ranch Dipping Sauce VAN discounted prices of preducts withia this fyer are aeclusio to members of fha MSM Food Market Rawarés program, Simply grésent your mambarshig card or sign up for à fes membarshig in store or caline, to take mévantage of fase exchaive offars, Prodcis and pricas may vary by region. Limits of restrictions mary appiy. Products say net be expetly 38 shown. Spesisl pricing and promeions #8 not valid at MM Fo2d Market Express and other non-trasitional stores, 83 1e Offer a Emiteë range of products. Some illwstrations it this figer do mot necestarily represent items où sale sed are for dasigt only. We reserve the right Lo correct BEST any errors, Commercial resale of our products és prohibited. Trade-marks, servize marks med sgus displsyed in this flyer are trode-marks of MSM Meat Shcpe Lid. 2MANAGED 2 and others. Any duslication (including posting onde) without tb+ mräten consent ot EM Mest Shops Lid. is prehibited. 2028 MEM Met Shops Lté. COMPANIES “Trademark of Cetac Canada. Used under hcense. Mobn merde ONE

ST. 27-33 PIECES136k£/31b Flatbreads - 4408-5158 _ 6 Varieties Ultimate Sauce Ranch Dipping Sauce VAN discounted prices of preducts withia this fyer are aeclusio to members of fha MSM Food Market Rawarés program, Simply grésent your mambarshig card or sign up for à fes membarshig in store or caline, to take mévantage of fase exchaive offars, Prodcis and pricas may vary by region. Limits of restrictions mary appiy. Products say net be expetly 38 shown. Spesisl pricing and promeions #8 not valid at MM Fo2d Market Express and other non-trasitional stores, 83 1e Offer a Emiteë range of products. Some illwstrations it this figer do mot necestarily represent items où sale sed are for dasigt only. We reserve the right Lo correct BEST any errors, Commercial resale of our products és prohibited. Trade-marks, servize marks med sgus displsyed in this flyer are trode-marks of MSM Meat Shcpe Lid. 2MANAGED 2 and others. Any duslication (including posting onde) without tb+ mräten consent ot EM Mest Shops Lid. is prehibited. 2028 MEM Met Shops Lté. COMPANIES “Trademark of Cetac Canada. Used under hcense. Mobn merde ONE

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