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Current flyer No Frills - Valid from 22.09 to 28.09 - Page nb 1

Flyer No Frills 22.09.2022 - 28.09.2022

Products in this flyer

ul FRILLS \& optimum: Qe © @ g = oe e aious da st FARMER'S MARKET™ Deiat ren GOLDEN DELICIOUS, GRAVENSTEIN, ‘Coss fs MCINTOSH APPLES i product of Atlantic Provinces, Conoda fancy grade or FARMER’S MARKET” NAVEL ORANGES product of South Africa pommes ov oranges navel 2O7}9¥21001 1AV20278290 EA 20713211001, 1A/20062045001 1A ees COOK'S PORTION HAM OR LESS THAN 2 ce 3.49 EA Cn, ey au 3 = = j > .§ a LEAN GROUND BEEF WONDER BREAD fresh 500-675 g or BUNS 8's 1.3 kg selected varieties OR LESS THAN 2 bonuf haché maigre 1430377 EA pain ou petits pains 2.99 EA = 20297435 CA/207 72899 TA PC® ENTREES 907 9-1.13 kg or UNICO SWAN: VEGETABLE OIL selected varieties: 3L FAMILY SKILLETS 1.19 ks selected varieties, fronen plots cuisinés ou atlas VER OR es FLYER PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ATLANTIC CANADA STORES ONLY. iO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 TO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2022. Nam

Latest flyers

ul FRILLS \& optimum: Qe © @ g = oe e aious da st FARMER'S MARKET™ Deiat ren GOLDEN DELICIOUS, GRAVENSTEIN, ‘Coss fs MCINTOSH APPLES i product of Atlantic Provinces, Conoda fancy grade or FARMER’S MARKET” NAVEL ORANGES product of South Africa pommes ov oranges navel 2O7}9¥21001 1AV20278290 EA 20713211001, 1A/20062045001 1A ees COOK'S PORTION HAM OR LESS THAN 2 ce 3.49 EA Cn, ey au 3 = = j > .§ a LEAN GROUND BEEF WONDER BREAD fresh 500-675 g or BUNS 8's 1.3 kg selected varieties OR LESS THAN 2 bonuf haché maigre 1430377 EA pain ou petits pains 2.99 EA = 20297435 CA/207 72899 TA PC® ENTREES 907 9-1.13 kg or UNICO SWAN: VEGETABLE OIL selected varieties: 3L FAMILY SKILLETS 1.19 ks selected varieties, fronen plots cuisinés ou atlas VER OR es FLYER PRICES EFFECTIVE IN ATLANTIC CANADA STORES ONLY. iO THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 TO WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 2022. Nam

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