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Current flyer Peavey Mart - Valid from 09.09 to 15.09 - Page nb 4

Flyer Peavey Mart 09.09.2022 - 15.09.2022

Products in this flyer

MCT Se cl sor for pig See local sore for pricing Poultry Grower 20kg Timothy-Alfalfa For replacement layers, foad Hay Cubes 20kg for 42 days or first egg. For Can be used as a complete broilers, feed from 28 days A) forage feed or as a forage to market, 16% crude protein, ZN supplement all vegetable dit . 295716 299770 Poultry Feed Premium Equine Feed Meiiidda See local store for pricing. See local store for pricing Whole Corn 20kg Rolled Barley 20kg H H This products con be fed 4 Con be fed to increase Step Ri ht Premium Con its own or mixed with - grain levels in livestock Horse ‘ood oe ee. Seoiem on Harvest : Specially formulated feed for horses. 8 steps available. 3539715 is bolonced Ee 200218, 379-81, 99, 1002635-37, 1501704 3533713 NOW STOCKED NATIONALLY IN ALLOCATIONS. wus COATT 455 SAVE $10 SAVE $5 é 9 A499 = 4799 => Seed i Songbird Colourful tag 397 itil Bird Seed 11.36kg Bird Seed 6.3kg Soot ks peal ony Premium blend of Vitominized Colourful Bi sunflower, peanuts ultimate energy 96 = — 216477 aes High E: Suet 15 Pack 298609 oe . 50% 69 49% Birdy Buffet Mixed Tree Nuts Bird Striped Sunflower ee |e Seed 9.07kg Bird Seed 13.6kg SAVE $8 ea 18kg Atrocts woodpeckers, ruhotches, Great for winter birds 31” — oo a paved 298701 Mixed Tree oat Nuts Bird Seed 3.18kg Attracts woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees ae 99 3502039 “SAVE $5 Ag?) 71499 SAVE $5 Ga Ga 74°9 Beakers Blend Wild Bird Seed 18.1kg Bigger beoks ot bigger feeders. Rich blend of = favorite bird seeds Reg. 79.99 298671 ee Peanut Halves 9.07kg ‘tue favorite for mos large varely birds. High source of protein & fot. Attract; blue jays, cardinals, chickadees, grockles, fimouse, 240516 I, & 100% Canocion owned & Operated

Latest flyers

MCT Se cl sor for pig See local sore for pricing Poultry Grower 20kg Timothy-Alfalfa For replacement layers, foad Hay Cubes 20kg for 42 days or first egg. For Can be used as a complete broilers, feed from 28 days A) forage feed or as a forage to market, 16% crude protein, ZN supplement all vegetable dit . 295716 299770 Poultry Feed Premium Equine Feed Meiiidda See local store for pricing. See local store for pricing Whole Corn 20kg Rolled Barley 20kg H H This products con be fed 4 Con be fed to increase Step Ri ht Premium Con its own or mixed with - grain levels in livestock Horse ‘ood oe ee. Seoiem on Harvest : Specially formulated feed for horses. 8 steps available. 3539715 is bolonced Ee 200218, 379-81, 99, 1002635-37, 1501704 3533713 NOW STOCKED NATIONALLY IN ALLOCATIONS. wus COATT 455 SAVE $10 SAVE $5 é 9 A499 = 4799 => Seed i Songbird Colourful tag 397 itil Bird Seed 11.36kg Bird Seed 6.3kg Soot ks peal ony Premium blend of Vitominized Colourful Bi sunflower, peanuts ultimate energy 96 = — 216477 aes High E: Suet 15 Pack 298609 oe . 50% 69 49% Birdy Buffet Mixed Tree Nuts Bird Striped Sunflower ee |e Seed 9.07kg Bird Seed 13.6kg SAVE $8 ea 18kg Atrocts woodpeckers, ruhotches, Great for winter birds 31” — oo a paved 298701 Mixed Tree oat Nuts Bird Seed 3.18kg Attracts woodpeckers, nuthatches, chickadees ae 99 3502039 “SAVE $5 Ag?) 71499 SAVE $5 Ga Ga 74°9 Beakers Blend Wild Bird Seed 18.1kg Bigger beoks ot bigger feeders. Rich blend of = favorite bird seeds Reg. 79.99 298671 ee Peanut Halves 9.07kg ‘tue favorite for mos large varely birds. High source of protein & fot. Attract; blue jays, cardinals, chickadees, grockles, fimouse, 240516 I, & 100% Canocion owned & Operated

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