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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Valid from 03.10 to 09.10 - Page nb 17

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 03.10.2024 - 09.10.2024

Products in this flyer

_ APP EXCLUSIVE OFFER’ rg y 7 ; LS 20,000° FOR LESS when you spend *100° or more on baby diapers, rere training pants, wipes, formula, food, accessories, toiletries ANd GeAr ro e-tre nm erm PAMPERS SUPER BIG MILLIEMOON DIAPERS mt) PACK DIAPERS sias44 stuecTEO VauirmES 217 34%... 20% 19.02-59.99 AFTER SAVINGS Tee : sats OVER LIMIT PAY =. 1 pena ig = ers ie a Lin o — ‘PAMPERS EASY UPS: HUGGIES 9/10% JQ rarsacsoe 1 —— Suckymmrems sevens smucaneamera roars A ons eens 9 Seen aceite == LIMIT 4 vec Vetta gyccies: = ae — 'HUGGIES simply clean 905 etl ee eo) Or an) aes Oa Tay oad Seman tt se Lid erento ey) IT4 es tee es eee ym i} 7y - 9. cc uPTO 3,000° fx} % : > tor every "16° \ Value’ ee eed spent on OFF pais Re mcsniee JOHNSON'S OR HONESTCO. AVEENO BABY NEEDS DOVE, CETAPHIL OR ‘BABY NEEDS sig ‘ceenaereeroue SS Socneeacenm. aa ns mer ae a em eel bent aca as 1ONEST Dove Aveeno

Latest flyers

_ APP EXCLUSIVE OFFER’ rg y 7 ; LS 20,000° FOR LESS when you spend *100° or more on baby diapers, rere training pants, wipes, formula, food, accessories, toiletries ANd GeAr ro e-tre nm erm PAMPERS SUPER BIG MILLIEMOON DIAPERS mt) PACK DIAPERS sias44 stuecTEO VauirmES 217 34%... 20% 19.02-59.99 AFTER SAVINGS Tee : sats OVER LIMIT PAY =. 1 pena ig = ers ie a Lin o — ‘PAMPERS EASY UPS: HUGGIES 9/10% JQ rarsacsoe 1 —— Suckymmrems sevens smucaneamera roars A ons eens 9 Seen aceite == LIMIT 4 vec Vetta gyccies: = ae — 'HUGGIES simply clean 905 etl ee eo) Or an) aes Oa Tay oad Seman tt se Lid erento ey) IT4 es tee es eee ym i} 7y - 9. cc uPTO 3,000° fx} % : > tor every "16° \ Value’ ee eed spent on OFF pais Re mcsniee JOHNSON'S OR HONESTCO. AVEENO BABY NEEDS DOVE, CETAPHIL OR ‘BABY NEEDS sig ‘ceenaereeroue SS Socneeacenm. aa ns mer ae a em eel bent aca as 1ONEST Dove Aveeno

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