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Current flyer Save-On-Foods - Valid from 18.08 to 24.08 - Page nb 6

Flyer Save-On-Foods 18.08.2022 - 24.08.2022

Products in this flyer

Cracker Barrel Kraft Philadelphia Cheese ea Croam Cheese 6009 27 ey. =o) ST £D RR aittetienion | cade 99 ) LAGE i nat \ oT Bounty Paper Towels ea ans 8=24 Rolls Arizona Lemon Iced Tea Also Del Monte, Selected Varieties, 960 mL western family Nas B Sof t We Famil rmcchipoil 2 ply bathe Double, 24 Rolls a Breyers Creamery Style ice Cream 1.66 Litres CRACKER BARREL ee ——~ Wluvepnia Sd ee 49 99 % we OO Ys a a2 nae me ret Care Products ea Arius Allergy Allergy Relat ea Adu Can Also Tampax ted Varieties Selected Varieties 30's Prices effective Thursday to Wednesday, August 18 to 24, 2022. Offers require use of More Rewards card,

Latest flyers

Cracker Barrel Kraft Philadelphia Cheese ea Croam Cheese 6009 27 ey. =o) ST £D RR aittetienion | cade 99 ) LAGE i nat \ oT Bounty Paper Towels ea ans 8=24 Rolls Arizona Lemon Iced Tea Also Del Monte, Selected Varieties, 960 mL western family Nas B Sof t We Famil rmcchipoil 2 ply bathe Double, 24 Rolls a Breyers Creamery Style ice Cream 1.66 Litres CRACKER BARREL ee ——~ Wluvepnia Sd ee 49 99 % we OO Ys a a2 nae me ret Care Products ea Arius Allergy Allergy Relat ea Adu Can Also Tampax ted Varieties Selected Varieties 30's Prices effective Thursday to Wednesday, August 18 to 24, 2022. Offers require use of More Rewards card,

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