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Current flyer Zehrs - Back To School - Valid from 25.08 to 31.08 - Page nb 14

Flyer Zehrs 25.08.2022 - 31.08.2022

Products in this flyer

eae Fine faut food hacks asad ghvet Savings Cord a Peanut Butter rod : eee) ory Bose La 2 eee EOae baz" = bai bai @ @ 2/5 Bai Antioxidant infusion 000 200. 52 rei) oa ae wee C) so PeMlealh rece to schon ey eee ® c i Poecr eee FS a eS kit 1.49 Ets te ee foe) ri Fay as on mg my nizasrse EA ign Is2_ EA Cibely | Was B ces Cibola 2/310 2/510 o Jess than 2 $5.49. Jess than 2 $528.63. Vanicce | | DARK LEN Coca-Cola’ mini bottles AHA™ SPARKLING WATER = selected varieties 8x300 mL 12355 mb 2 ut SIPS LIKE A COKE; FINISHES LIKE A COFFEE. 89° $10°° Peace Tea! Monster® or Reign energy drink 695 mb selected varieties zal 4473. mL DOBRA (OF Jamieson Jameson cuewane ° Muiti Multi 100" COMPLETE on Jamfeson’ Jameson As you get back to routine, try our fun and delicious vitamins for the whole family! “= waed ender cence by Reckitt Benckiser ne. ‘© 2022 Recht Benchner (Cara Ine Foray ONT ONLINE 7

eae Fine faut food hacks asad ghvet Savings Cord a Peanut Butter rod : eee) ory Bose La 2 eee EOae baz" = bai bai @ @ 2/5 Bai Antioxidant infusion 000 200. 52 rei) oa ae wee C) so PeMlealh rece to schon ey eee ® c i Poecr eee FS a eS kit 1.49 Ets te ee foe) ri Fay as on mg my nizasrse EA ign Is2_ EA Cibely | Was B ces Cibola 2/310 2/510 o Jess than 2 $5.49. Jess than 2 $528.63. Vanicce | | DARK LEN Coca-Cola’ mini bottles AHA™ SPARKLING WATER = selected varieties 8x300 mL 12355 mb 2 ut SIPS LIKE A COKE; FINISHES LIKE A COFFEE. 89° $10°° Peace Tea! Monster® or Reign energy drink 695 mb selected varieties zal 4473. mL DOBRA (OF Jamieson Jameson cuewane ° Muiti Multi 100" COMPLETE on Jamfeson’ Jameson As you get back to routine, try our fun and delicious vitamins for the whole family! “= waed ender cence by Reckitt Benckiser ne. ‘© 2022 Recht Benchner (Cara Ine Foray ONT ONLINE 7

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