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Current flyer Coppa's Fresh Market - Valid from 14.11 to 23.11 - Page nb 1

Flyer Coppa's Fresh Market 14.11.2022 - 23.11.2022

Products in this flyer

2490 Mb 5.49/kg Product of Spain pepsi Sis .2L bottle as Pepsi, 7UP Soft Drinks, Assorted Varieties 99°. 2.18/kg Fresh Green Zucchini, Product of Mexico Fresh Sweet Stem & Leaf Seedless Clementines, te X 1022. 24.23Ikg Fresh Beef T-Bone Steaks, Cut From Canada AAA Grade of Beef, Product of Canada 199 680mI'bottle” La Molisana Passata Di Pomodoro ee gf 299 Fresh HoneyCrisp Apples, Product of Ontario, Fancy Grade Colavita Extra Virgin Olive Oil Diamond se Black Diamond Cheese Bars, Assorted Varieties int Fresh Sweet Blueberries, Product of Peru, No. 1 Grade

Latest flyers

2490 Mb 5.49/kg Product of Spain pepsi Sis .2L bottle as Pepsi, 7UP Soft Drinks, Assorted Varieties 99°. 2.18/kg Fresh Green Zucchini, Product of Mexico Fresh Sweet Stem & Leaf Seedless Clementines, te X 1022. 24.23Ikg Fresh Beef T-Bone Steaks, Cut From Canada AAA Grade of Beef, Product of Canada 199 680mI'bottle” La Molisana Passata Di Pomodoro ee gf 299 Fresh HoneyCrisp Apples, Product of Ontario, Fancy Grade Colavita Extra Virgin Olive Oil Diamond se Black Diamond Cheese Bars, Assorted Varieties int Fresh Sweet Blueberries, Product of Peru, No. 1 Grade

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