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Current flyer Fortinos - Halloween - Valid from 13.10 to 19.10 - Page nb 5

Flyer Fortinos 13.10.2022 - 19.10.2022

Products in this flyer

a OYSTERFEST BUY A DOZEN OYSTERS, GET A FREE SHUCKER MALPEQUE og J LUCKY LIME J SHINY SEA : : y RASPBERRY POINT * From PEI. _ * From PEL. * From PEI. * From P.E.I. " \ *“Melt-in-your mouth” delicate = * A deep cupped oyster b + Full, plump & meaty b * Unique oysters with a clean salty texture and a salty flavour with a sweet briny flavour * Salty with a subtle, sweet finish flavour and a sweet aftertaste PICKLE POINT ~. BEAUSOLEIL = ee era" Se * Farm raised from PEI. = Froai New Brinerick s 99 Beausoleil 24's 99" Point 12's * Firm texture with a smooth salty taste * These cocktail oysters are cultivated |” or French Kiss’ or Raspberry Point * Easy to open to have high natural nutrients = 18's oysters i" 12's oysters ’ © gaganic CHICKEN , inside round roast we | (Certified AngusiBeet® ee”, Brandlcut trom Canada Ib “AAA or USDA Choice ae pork loin Rentercit an. white veal blade Ib Yorkshire Valley Farms grade beef or higher chops bone in shoulder cho} organic chicken legs 16.51/kg ip m 13. oe = e seein, Bans Janes Pub Style = a L McLean organic Schneiders Juicy Lam or ee breaded chicken chicken or pork Jumbos wieners cooked meatballs 375 g selected varieties, breakfast sausages selected varieties or burgers 450 g, frozen frozen 375/450 g each 700 g FORT 4.

Latest flyers

a OYSTERFEST BUY A DOZEN OYSTERS, GET A FREE SHUCKER MALPEQUE og J LUCKY LIME J SHINY SEA : : y RASPBERRY POINT * From PEI. _ * From PEL. * From PEI. * From P.E.I. " \ *“Melt-in-your mouth” delicate = * A deep cupped oyster b + Full, plump & meaty b * Unique oysters with a clean salty texture and a salty flavour with a sweet briny flavour * Salty with a subtle, sweet finish flavour and a sweet aftertaste PICKLE POINT ~. BEAUSOLEIL = ee era" Se * Farm raised from PEI. = Froai New Brinerick s 99 Beausoleil 24's 99" Point 12's * Firm texture with a smooth salty taste * These cocktail oysters are cultivated |” or French Kiss’ or Raspberry Point * Easy to open to have high natural nutrients = 18's oysters i" 12's oysters ’ © gaganic CHICKEN , inside round roast we | (Certified AngusiBeet® ee”, Brandlcut trom Canada Ib “AAA or USDA Choice ae pork loin Rentercit an. white veal blade Ib Yorkshire Valley Farms grade beef or higher chops bone in shoulder cho} organic chicken legs 16.51/kg ip m 13. oe = e seein, Bans Janes Pub Style = a L McLean organic Schneiders Juicy Lam or ee breaded chicken chicken or pork Jumbos wieners cooked meatballs 375 g selected varieties, breakfast sausages selected varieties or burgers 450 g, frozen frozen 375/450 g each 700 g FORT 4.

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