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Current flyer FreshCo - Halloween - Valid from 20.10 to 26.10 - Page nb 2

Flyer FreshCo 20.10.2022 - 26.10.2022

Products in this flyer

Green or Black Seedless Grapes White Potatoes 10 Ib Product of USA Product of Canada No. 1 Grade Canada No. 1 6.59/kg 4.54 kg Raisins sans pĂ©pins Pennines de torre Hot House Tomatoes Product of Canada Canada No. 1 or Mexico No. 1 Grade Broccoli Crowns Product of Canada 4.39/kg Tomates, brocoll Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 454kg Oignons Clementines 2 Ib Product of Hiiros Cherry ‘South Africa Tomatoes pint 9078 Product of Canada ‘ClĂ©mentines Tomates DOUBLE Sa SATISFIED, WE WILL PAT) Liaay ae ee aU | BUY 1 MONSIEUR GUSTAV GOUDA170G GET 1 OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE FREE 600 g Bagels 6 pk iti REG 5.99 EA Pain de. tiers, „ eeiees “See back page for details Garlic 5 pk Bunch Spinach Product of China Product of USA Al Epinards

Latest flyers

Green or Black Seedless Grapes White Potatoes 10 Ib Product of USA Product of Canada No. 1 Grade Canada No. 1 6.59/kg 4.54 kg Raisins sans pĂ©pins Pennines de torre Hot House Tomatoes Product of Canada Canada No. 1 or Mexico No. 1 Grade Broccoli Crowns Product of Canada 4.39/kg Tomates, brocoll Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 454kg Oignons Clementines 2 Ib Product of Hiiros Cherry ‘South Africa Tomatoes pint 9078 Product of Canada ‘ClĂ©mentines Tomates DOUBLE Sa SATISFIED, WE WILL PAT) Liaay ae ee aU | BUY 1 MONSIEUR GUSTAV GOUDA170G GET 1 OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE FREE 600 g Bagels 6 pk iti REG 5.99 EA Pain de. tiers, „ eeiees “See back page for details Garlic 5 pk Bunch Spinach Product of China Product of USA Al Epinards

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