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Current flyer Metro - Valid from 12.01 to 18.01 - Page nb 11

Flyer Metro 12.01.2023 - 18.01.2023

Products in this flyer

. i i 2. Brown Rice Crisps m WANT-ANT OR 00 SNITILES OR STARBURST 00 DENTYNE OR TRIDENT ] 00 i pot 8 sear 0 HOT RID CRACKERS ‘ARTE SS ORVILLE POPCORN ‘SRAECTED Saks SRLECTED SES ‘SECT wRETES By SATE wares Sec nes mee ea, Succes aes = BROOKSIDE Cabbry, ee = BROOKS SECT SES SRT SES ithe ea. SRUCTI TES secre wares ‘blero ners ea, sscco nes 9 BROWNIE, COOKIE OR 0 0 BROOKSIDE 0 0 CADBURY 99 SELECTION MUFFIN MIX CHOCOLATE BAG a BASED BAR ICE CREAM SANDWICHES ce Peary Scares rirencnts | \| as ce wees ir ‘i : ween, oes ‘SUN-MAID THREE FARMERS RAINCOAST CRISPS ‘SOUR RAISINS vag CHCIrEAS CuCnERS SReCTED RETES mane suena mares sc waces uyren Free Py Tx AED BULL ENERGY DRINK Mat ' SAT NES i ane oe on il ‘ald s ; 00°). 4949 49 : 99 w ~ SPARKLING WATER ICE CREAM ——— on ry GLUTINO = SMACKS ant Ca, salen meenes mec od a, «sate wneres POWERADE SOFT DRINK ‘SPORTS DRINK iat Tew Scie aes squcTe waxes cass ‘GROUND COf (ig SELECTED ss PHILADELPHIA 22% out e YJ ry por 99 KRAFT 49 PHILADELPHIA 99 PEANUT BUTTER CREAM CHEESE CRAVE MEALS th 4 ‘SCTE ss ea, saicrepuneras Saco ners ea, saccrennenes St ptt we oe we npr aman ea ci ino OB? wn te OLA wr tl Futon Men chy ls PB Ce Pere HELLMANN'S MAYONNAISE vat Sucre ners HEINZ KETCHUP. ist ‘secre mens row COFFEE CAPSULES un ew ea. SCD UTES ea. LIBERTE GREEK YOGOURT tig ‘SECTS EES

Latest flyers

. i i 2. Brown Rice Crisps m WANT-ANT OR 00 SNITILES OR STARBURST 00 DENTYNE OR TRIDENT ] 00 i pot 8 sear 0 HOT RID CRACKERS ‘ARTE SS ORVILLE POPCORN ‘SRAECTED Saks SRLECTED SES ‘SECT wRETES By SATE wares Sec nes mee ea, Succes aes = BROOKSIDE Cabbry, ee = BROOKS SECT SES SRT SES ithe ea. SRUCTI TES secre wares ‘blero ners ea, sscco nes 9 BROWNIE, COOKIE OR 0 0 BROOKSIDE 0 0 CADBURY 99 SELECTION MUFFIN MIX CHOCOLATE BAG a BASED BAR ICE CREAM SANDWICHES ce Peary Scares rirencnts | \| as ce wees ir ‘i : ween, oes ‘SUN-MAID THREE FARMERS RAINCOAST CRISPS ‘SOUR RAISINS vag CHCIrEAS CuCnERS SReCTED RETES mane suena mares sc waces uyren Free Py Tx AED BULL ENERGY DRINK Mat ' SAT NES i ane oe on il ‘ald s ; 00°). 4949 49 : 99 w ~ SPARKLING WATER ICE CREAM ——— on ry GLUTINO = SMACKS ant Ca, salen meenes mec od a, «sate wneres POWERADE SOFT DRINK ‘SPORTS DRINK iat Tew Scie aes squcTe waxes cass ‘GROUND COf (ig SELECTED ss PHILADELPHIA 22% out e YJ ry por 99 KRAFT 49 PHILADELPHIA 99 PEANUT BUTTER CREAM CHEESE CRAVE MEALS th 4 ‘SCTE ss ea, saicrepuneras Saco ners ea, saccrennenes St ptt we oe we npr aman ea ci ino OB? wn te OLA wr tl Futon Men chy ls PB Ce Pere HELLMANN'S MAYONNAISE vat Sucre ners HEINZ KETCHUP. ist ‘secre mens row COFFEE CAPSULES un ew ea. SCD UTES ea. LIBERTE GREEK YOGOURT tig ‘SECTS EES

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