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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Thanksgiving Day - Valid from 29.09 to 05.10 - Page nb 20

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 29.09.2022 - 05.10.2022

Products in this flyer

Te ee aT 2 MILLION MEALS to food insecure families. os cp Gel ee 0 = Canadian 99 429 oi Se Ses gly ‘cee ra Frutopia or Nesta o A Faire Utrafitered 's Peace Tea beverages 1.75 L k milk 15 L eae, BS Selected varieties, eiamet {@ "selected varieties A12034833100. A 3°. Simply juice or fruit beverages or 599 sr y oran ge jue 2 0r de OF & peakiced tea 263 Gold Peak a1 S4L § selected varieties Selected varieties i io “a refrigerated rn ed 207STI60001_EA/20;1025001_ÂŁA MARCS„YANGELO | CREAMY 4x12g PUR ANTIPASTO MISTO aCe a ee Ue Kal A aad | RO kart fe pone) TEMPTATIONSℱ Cat Treats 130-180 g

Latest flyers

Te ee aT 2 MILLION MEALS to food insecure families. os cp Gel ee 0 = Canadian 99 429 oi Se Ses gly ‘cee ra Frutopia or Nesta o A Faire Utrafitered 's Peace Tea beverages 1.75 L k milk 15 L eae, BS Selected varieties, eiamet {@ "selected varieties A12034833100. A 3°. Simply juice or fruit beverages or 599 sr y oran ge jue 2 0r de OF & peakiced tea 263 Gold Peak a1 S4L § selected varieties Selected varieties i io “a refrigerated rn ed 207STI60001_EA/20;1025001_ÂŁA MARCS„YANGELO | CREAMY 4x12g PUR ANTIPASTO MISTO aCe a ee Ue Kal A aad | RO kart fe pone) TEMPTATIONSℱ Cat Treats 130-180 g

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