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Current flyer Co-op Food - Valid from 26.12 to 30.11 - Page nb 18

Flyer Co-op Food 26.12.2024 - 30.11.2025

Products in this flyer

SUPERIOR CONTROL OF HARD TO CONTROL BROADLEAF WEEDS LIKE THISTLES, CLEAVERS AND KOCHIA. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Fluroxypyr, Clopyralid and MCPA Ester GROUP: 4 PACKAGING: 2 x 10 L RAINFAST: 6 hours REGISTERED CROPS: Spring wheat, durum wheat, winter wheat, barley and oats Seedling and established (grown for seed only): Creeping red fescue, intermediate wheat grass, crested wheat grass, meadow brome grass, smooth brome grass and Timothy. APPLICATION RATE: 500 ml/acre (40 acres/case) TANK MIX OPTIONS: Avant, Simplicity, Assert 300 SC, Everest 70 WDG or Everest Solupak 70 DF and Puma Advance. WATER VOLUME: Ground Application: 5-10 gal/acre REY WEEDS CONTROLER" Burdock ragweed + Canada thistle (low infestations) + Cleavers (1-8 whorls) + Cocklebur + Field horsetail ** Flixweed (rosettes only) + Kochia *** + Lamb's-quarters + Prickly lettuce + Shepherd's purse * Refer to product label for detailed weed and staging information ** Top growth control only *#% Including biotypes resistant to Group 2 herbicides that inhibit the ALS enzyme PROTIPS + Pre-harvest interval is 60 days + Performance may be reduced at temps Less than 8°C and above 27°C + On forage crops, use 10-20 gal/ac water volume LENCO RNCS STORAGE: Do not freeze TANK MIX ORDER: 1. Fill tank half full of water and begin agitation. 2. Add the required amount of Co-op State. 3. Fill tank to desired volume of water. Maintain sufficient agitation in the spray tank during mixing and spraying to ensure a uniform spray mixture. Stinkweed Stork's-bill (1-8 leaf) Vetch Volunteer flax Volunteer sunflower (1-12 cm) 4. Follow sprayer directions and precautions, especially when applying next to sensitive crops (e.g, canola and legumes). 5. Follow sprayer clean-up directions as listed. + Wild buckwheat (1-8 leaf) + Wild mustard ** + Wildradish Do not permit grazing within 7 days after application Do not apply later than flag-leaf emergence stage Best results are obtained from applications made to seedling weeds

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SUPERIOR CONTROL OF HARD TO CONTROL BROADLEAF WEEDS LIKE THISTLES, CLEAVERS AND KOCHIA. ACTIVE INGREDIENT: Fluroxypyr, Clopyralid and MCPA Ester GROUP: 4 PACKAGING: 2 x 10 L RAINFAST: 6 hours REGISTERED CROPS: Spring wheat, durum wheat, winter wheat, barley and oats Seedling and established (grown for seed only): Creeping red fescue, intermediate wheat grass, crested wheat grass, meadow brome grass, smooth brome grass and Timothy. APPLICATION RATE: 500 ml/acre (40 acres/case) TANK MIX OPTIONS: Avant, Simplicity, Assert 300 SC, Everest 70 WDG or Everest Solupak 70 DF and Puma Advance. WATER VOLUME: Ground Application: 5-10 gal/acre REY WEEDS CONTROLER" Burdock ragweed + Canada thistle (low infestations) + Cleavers (1-8 whorls) + Cocklebur + Field horsetail ** Flixweed (rosettes only) + Kochia *** + Lamb's-quarters + Prickly lettuce + Shepherd's purse * Refer to product label for detailed weed and staging information ** Top growth control only *#% Including biotypes resistant to Group 2 herbicides that inhibit the ALS enzyme PROTIPS + Pre-harvest interval is 60 days + Performance may be reduced at temps Less than 8°C and above 27°C + On forage crops, use 10-20 gal/ac water volume LENCO RNCS STORAGE: Do not freeze TANK MIX ORDER: 1. Fill tank half full of water and begin agitation. 2. Add the required amount of Co-op State. 3. Fill tank to desired volume of water. Maintain sufficient agitation in the spray tank during mixing and spraying to ensure a uniform spray mixture. Stinkweed Stork's-bill (1-8 leaf) Vetch Volunteer flax Volunteer sunflower (1-12 cm) 4. Follow sprayer directions and precautions, especially when applying next to sensitive crops (e.g, canola and legumes). 5. Follow sprayer clean-up directions as listed. + Wild buckwheat (1-8 leaf) + Wild mustard ** + Wildradish Do not permit grazing within 7 days after application Do not apply later than flag-leaf emergence stage Best results are obtained from applications made to seedling weeds

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