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Current flyer Foodland - Valid from 22.09 to 28.09 - Page nb 7

Flyer Foodland 22.09.2022 - 28.09.2022

Products in this flyer

Pork Back Ribs 15.41/kg HAND-SELECTED AAA BEEF RR eT ee TC COMPLIMENTS, Crna Split Chicken Breasts 13.21/kg with jarinated Pork Back Ribs 16.51/kg a : 1749 * “ Ss COMPLIMENTS 4 7 Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs 17.61/h SCHNEIDERS COMPLIMENTS QO wrzres : 99 sam 99 Ready Crisp & Steaks or COMPLIMENTS Bacon pieces or . Boneless Ham ‘Smoked Sausage strips 65-85 g Slices 13.21/kg. 900g 99 COMPLIMENTS. 99 99 99 ASIAN Burgers selected COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS INSPIRATION or varieties Cabbage Rolls Crispy Homestyle MULDOON'S 851 g-113 kg 907g Chicken 1 kg Entrées 400 g zh kL * + ie COMPLIMENTS Calamari or PEARLMARK COMPLIMENTS. 99 PANACHE 99 COMPLIMENTS 99 Scallops or 99 Fully Cooked Breaded Shrimp Battered VASCO & CO Shrimp with selected varieties Haddock Fillets Smoked Salmon Cocktail Sauce 340 680 120-340 g 680 g % PANACHE Cheddar 49 * 2259-2508 *See in store for REE oricing OFFER VALIO FROM SEP 8 -OCT 5.2022 RESER’S Side Dishes 340-397 g selected varieties 99 wx 99 Sliced Salami MAIN STREET DELI 1 Sliced Meats selected 8 COMPLIMENTS Cooked or Smoked Chicken selection varies by store Available at most stores LIKE INSTANT REWARDS? eran ees towards your purchases

Latest flyers

Pork Back Ribs 15.41/kg HAND-SELECTED AAA BEEF RR eT ee TC COMPLIMENTS, Crna Split Chicken Breasts 13.21/kg with jarinated Pork Back Ribs 16.51/kg a : 1749 * “ Ss COMPLIMENTS 4 7 Boneless Skinless Chicken Thighs 17.61/h SCHNEIDERS COMPLIMENTS QO wrzres : 99 sam 99 Ready Crisp & Steaks or COMPLIMENTS Bacon pieces or . Boneless Ham ‘Smoked Sausage strips 65-85 g Slices 13.21/kg. 900g 99 COMPLIMENTS. 99 99 99 ASIAN Burgers selected COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS INSPIRATION or varieties Cabbage Rolls Crispy Homestyle MULDOON'S 851 g-113 kg 907g Chicken 1 kg Entrées 400 g zh kL * + ie COMPLIMENTS Calamari or PEARLMARK COMPLIMENTS. 99 PANACHE 99 COMPLIMENTS 99 Scallops or 99 Fully Cooked Breaded Shrimp Battered VASCO & CO Shrimp with selected varieties Haddock Fillets Smoked Salmon Cocktail Sauce 340 680 120-340 g 680 g % PANACHE Cheddar 49 * 2259-2508 *See in store for REE oricing OFFER VALIO FROM SEP 8 -OCT 5.2022 RESER’S Side Dishes 340-397 g selected varieties 99 wx 99 Sliced Salami MAIN STREET DELI 1 Sliced Meats selected 8 COMPLIMENTS Cooked or Smoked Chicken selection varies by store Available at most stores LIKE INSTANT REWARDS? eran ees towards your purchases

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