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Current flyer Independent - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 6

Flyer Independent 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

sie t ste: bonelessw@amin sia, cut figmCanade, aa gradeWeet On tng) 33.05/keℱ bifteckde ~ contre-filet a griller > a 27004. KG marinatedifiat chicken of'seasoned whole chickenjpe 11.00/K§ \ poulet en crapaudine, marinĂ© ou poulet entiers assaisonne — someaen 2/$ less than2 $13.79 Âąa. PC* Smokies” selected varieties Smokies* PC” arasis caz0rII617 fresh Atlantic salmon fillets 33,05/K8 filets de Saumonide’ Vatlantiquelfrais: 285210 KG Bakery PC* mini muffi selected varieti 12's 2R7 The Mix and Match deal is only | | applicable for bread, buns, ba English muffins & tortilla wraps| from the following brands: Loffre CrĂ©ez votre combinaison s‘applique uniquement aux pains, petits pains et bagels, muffins anglais etnias pour roulĂ©s des marques suivantes \ Wonder, Country Harvest, D'ltaliano oenns. eA2027236 EAZ1IOITE CA UR \ Te yal 7 | , , A 99 B al sq a ae = / , less than 2 r : 7? S10 ea. c+) „ Zz 4 3 pork.tenderloin PC* chicken Le ) F cryovacipke of 2 drumsticks 8's or „ A 8.80/Ke a thighs bone-in6's Jaa. J) } j filet dejporc Air Chilled 7 \ oe a plions ou hauts de ya oe culeee depeche eo & \ PC* whole chicken / PC" Free From. Air Chilled sausage / 7.69Ikg selected varieties. poulet entier PC” 375/500 & _ Wititeien 2098940)-KG sauel Simpleme: 7 zen €a PC* BBQ pork back . PC" Pub Recipe ribs 680 g or wings chicken : 700-907 me = ~ selected varieties Bry selected varieties Bom -@e frozen Suet frozen BOUcES CHICKEN STRIPS cĂ©tes de dos de pore ————o barbecue.ou,ailes, PC Recette du pub!nieres = pouter Zoos. AA ee ito SeaQuest’ bay scallops _- uncooked 100-150. A per lb 454 gor (a PC" shrimp burgers = SeafQuest Beasts Gaon cont < uncooked 452 g frozen. Ne oncles de ae ns ou Ă©picĂ© fumĂ© a chaud PC ? peconone ou burgel jigces prĂ©tes 4 manger ou saumon de de crevettes PC” ‘en Patlantique fumĂ© Willy Kf: zensiss CATi2se6? CA 20076890. EATONAEO EA ened 29 q Farmer's Marketℱ ~ F 8 butter croissants selected varieties : 260-336 g thy croissants au beurre | DĂ©lices du MarchĂ© = 2095903.€ 2/ $ “ less than 2 ea eel (ON, $4.29 6a, B= 9 g/ an, PC*Naanrounds | = original or . * whole wheat ay "5 = pains ronds naan pc’ Tursran cavzeeeeano \ YA3

Latest flyers

sie t ste: bonelessw@amin sia, cut figmCanade, aa gradeWeet On tng) 33.05/keℱ bifteckde ~ contre-filet a griller > a 27004. KG marinatedifiat chicken of'seasoned whole chickenjpe 11.00/K§ \ poulet en crapaudine, marinĂ© ou poulet entiers assaisonne — someaen 2/$ less than2 $13.79 Âąa. PC* Smokies” selected varieties Smokies* PC” arasis caz0rII617 fresh Atlantic salmon fillets 33,05/K8 filets de Saumonide’ Vatlantiquelfrais: 285210 KG Bakery PC* mini muffi selected varieti 12's 2R7 The Mix and Match deal is only | | applicable for bread, buns, ba English muffins & tortilla wraps| from the following brands: Loffre CrĂ©ez votre combinaison s‘applique uniquement aux pains, petits pains et bagels, muffins anglais etnias pour roulĂ©s des marques suivantes \ Wonder, Country Harvest, D'ltaliano oenns. eA2027236 EAZ1IOITE CA UR \ Te yal 7 | , , A 99 B al sq a ae = / , less than 2 r : 7? S10 ea. c+) „ Zz 4 3 pork.tenderloin PC* chicken Le ) F cryovacipke of 2 drumsticks 8's or „ A 8.80/Ke a thighs bone-in6's Jaa. J) } j filet dejporc Air Chilled 7 \ oe a plions ou hauts de ya oe culeee depeche eo & \ PC* whole chicken / PC" Free From. Air Chilled sausage / 7.69Ikg selected varieties. poulet entier PC” 375/500 & _ Wititeien 2098940)-KG sauel Simpleme: 7 zen €a PC* BBQ pork back . PC" Pub Recipe ribs 680 g or wings chicken : 700-907 me = ~ selected varieties Bry selected varieties Bom -@e frozen Suet frozen BOUcES CHICKEN STRIPS cĂ©tes de dos de pore ————o barbecue.ou,ailes, PC Recette du pub!nieres = pouter Zoos. AA ee ito SeaQuest’ bay scallops _- uncooked 100-150. A per lb 454 gor (a PC" shrimp burgers = SeafQuest Beasts Gaon cont < uncooked 452 g frozen. Ne oncles de ae ns ou Ă©picĂ© fumĂ© a chaud PC ? peconone ou burgel jigces prĂ©tes 4 manger ou saumon de de crevettes PC” ‘en Patlantique fumĂ© Willy Kf: zensiss CATi2se6? CA 20076890. EATONAEO EA ened 29 q Farmer's Marketℱ ~ F 8 butter croissants selected varieties : 260-336 g thy croissants au beurre | DĂ©lices du MarchĂ© = 2095903.€ 2/ $ “ less than 2 ea eel (ON, $4.29 6a, B= 9 g/ an, PC*Naanrounds | = original or . * whole wheat ay "5 = pains ronds naan pc’ Tursran cavzeeeeano \ YA3

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