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Current flyer Lowe's - Valid from 15.09 to 21.09 - Page nb 2

Flyer Lowe's 15.09.2022 - 21.09.2022

Products in this flyer

PAGE BK - MBO.MCO.MOO.MEO.MiO save 50% 2 59 wos S49 “DOVER PULLOUT KITCHEN FAUCET Dashes nehel Fah s0079188 cargo pm ‘Ase mise Chrome finish soso canoes» 109-00 54.50 $0 7499 Vauie ws B99 comes 10 1875 4: PACK LED RECESSED uGHTS Cimmale. White For wet leatont saveseo og $189 wa wos $229 7 BARN DOOR SLAB Nine pine. PreBered ‘Kio mabe 3 59642 <a> ATID 239-00 199.00 Save on all ees ail) i 629 | evervonr LOW PRICE seta wooorey Sears a ag ee GARAGE DOOR OPENER Chan Gone system later ated my vectiogy va. (OES cantNee> aasqonT Q cn on ED | Save $20 $129 Be 290 9000 aru. | sarssazo canon | mam = i =a 159 | sro Unury KNire Maney Oty, Uv with Pore Bind ert tan» 28s? ooo a 3999 Be 54:99 LAVATORY FAUCET Chrome fish mensent cagesze coe — usr SOURCE fe ort] SAVES2O mews SAVES? Ea $429. a 66° (ie S89 BOF vanity 20.4 KITCHEN & Carve op. j = asa > 24 = 4 cma SAvES‘CO ps $199 vase S27 ee *HUAU" DUAL FLUSH 1. PIECE ELONGATED TOILET lined uk Sede a2 1 thes coves 4.869, 13-80 10.87 | save ss ary 4” VALUE y [S97 PouMaine anmenntze | Economecal Protects dies dome to 59°C Neston = |savesoo og $389 was wos S479 6-PIECE TOOL COMBO KIT | ‘scheden bop. anger and 2 batters pocreterratiaerte 410 SAVE $10 / / 3199 VAL wht “AST WRINGℱ MOP & BUCKET KIT ‘cj ree. Mcree band Leonemeenen ssn teas b= i rs fOLEAl _ = GET IT _ INSTALLED CHANGE YOUR HOT WATER TANK oY ° WE DELIVER e WE INSTALL Be ers Lora ote RRR KEK] * Visit tebe at | an mca 3.499 | evervonr FLOOR UNDERLAYMENT Covers 200 59 ft Rests amity and smcoths ea enal wathoee eregaarien. For lmte ferry 18 eeecting adie Bou or Back $408 hemos. | seco sassane wos S499 | 4 | IES] Power ster Sette rd Ovetand protection Sentch on/olt uw €, MOAS2T? <40T26> = Sau " 5 " . u . ou 5 ue “3 woods YOUR CHOKE prrmng 72 oe “ENEROLZER MAX” ALKALINE BATTERIES AAR Speck O10 <I> 13903 30-78 SAVE 2.79 AAA, Apock CaI3002 <aPST2D> 3001S 33-99 SAVE SA CON, 2pack 33004 <APETES> TIM A SAVE 1.50

Latest flyers

PAGE BK - MBO.MCO.MOO.MEO.MiO save 50% 2 59 wos S49 “DOVER PULLOUT KITCHEN FAUCET Dashes nehel Fah s0079188 cargo pm ‘Ase mise Chrome finish soso canoes» 109-00 54.50 $0 7499 Vauie ws B99 comes 10 1875 4: PACK LED RECESSED uGHTS Cimmale. White For wet leatont saveseo og $189 wa wos $229 7 BARN DOOR SLAB Nine pine. PreBered ‘Kio mabe 3 59642 <a> ATID 239-00 199.00 Save on all ees ail) i 629 | evervonr LOW PRICE seta wooorey Sears a ag ee GARAGE DOOR OPENER Chan Gone system later ated my vectiogy va. (OES cantNee> aasqonT Q cn on ED | Save $20 $129 Be 290 9000 aru. | sarssazo canon | mam = i =a 159 | sro Unury KNire Maney Oty, Uv with Pore Bind ert tan» 28s? ooo a 3999 Be 54:99 LAVATORY FAUCET Chrome fish mensent cagesze coe — usr SOURCE fe ort] SAVES2O mews SAVES? Ea $429. a 66° (ie S89 BOF vanity 20.4 KITCHEN & Carve op. j = asa > 24 = 4 cma SAvES‘CO ps $199 vase S27 ee *HUAU" DUAL FLUSH 1. PIECE ELONGATED TOILET lined uk Sede a2 1 thes coves 4.869, 13-80 10.87 | save ss ary 4” VALUE y [S97 PouMaine anmenntze | Economecal Protects dies dome to 59°C Neston = |savesoo og $389 was wos S479 6-PIECE TOOL COMBO KIT | ‘scheden bop. anger and 2 batters pocreterratiaerte 410 SAVE $10 / / 3199 VAL wht “AST WRINGℱ MOP & BUCKET KIT ‘cj ree. Mcree band Leonemeenen ssn teas b= i rs fOLEAl _ = GET IT _ INSTALLED CHANGE YOUR HOT WATER TANK oY ° WE DELIVER e WE INSTALL Be ers Lora ote RRR KEK] * Visit tebe at | an mca 3.499 | evervonr FLOOR UNDERLAYMENT Covers 200 59 ft Rests amity and smcoths ea enal wathoee eregaarien. For lmte ferry 18 eeecting adie Bou or Back $408 hemos. | seco sassane wos S499 | 4 | IES] Power ster Sette rd Ovetand protection Sentch on/olt uw €, MOAS2T? <40T26> = Sau " 5 " . u . ou 5 ue “3 woods YOUR CHOKE prrmng 72 oe “ENEROLZER MAX” ALKALINE BATTERIES AAR Speck O10 <I> 13903 30-78 SAVE 2.79 AAA, Apock CaI3002 <aPST2D> 3001S 33-99 SAVE SA CON, 2pack 33004 <APETES> TIM A SAVE 1.50

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