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Current flyer Metro - Valid from 13.02 to 12.03 - Page nb 5

Flyer Metro 13.02.2025 - 12.03.2025

Products in this flyer

LOW PRICE EVERY DAY 100’s of items at the same low price every day. CTCL TUL eee SELECTION ‘OATS $009 19 SeLECTED wae Tas ea. SELECTION ea. was 5.99 ea. Fear aeree was 3.99 ea. SELECTED vanIEDES gn em a ( op. SELECTION REFRIGERATED SELECTION DRINK w ‘SLICED LOAF CAKE WSL 4205 SLECTEO VARIETIES a 7 SELECTED vaRIETIES m4 ~~ / ‘ NOW ¥ a4, 2 we ame 4 champignot S =] zZ S set AMAT emmone * 2 a ‘ . PICKLES L 299 wr 425 — 442 SELECTION SELECTION SELECTION CANNED ea. DRESSING PICKLES ea. soup VEGETABLES wos 379 00. aS ei wos 5.49 ¢0. 1 was 179 ea, Mm wos 179 ¢a. 341-398 ml SELECTED VaRiENIES SELECTED ARIES SELECTED wamsenEs SeLECTED vamnENES —— soda crackers {fi\) ’ aad ES | ery now ¥ CLASSIC ED Recall) Bt Presse BAD) sccm CLASSIO y MN; AND ea. COOKIES ea. SODA CRACKERS i ee m & eer } Sy ; WNL 3 — Ned, be ee] “= fn Leirrresces es ba I tg eae som SELECTION Be ed CANDY stb To) , seucreo sats NOW 41°9 ea. SELECTION ea. was 199 60. was 219 ea. = Suede anaes SELECTION BATHROOM TISSUE 30= 100 rats now # F =a V2 cm, BF rm §=— 41999" was 2:99 ea. is was 4.9960. NAPKINS sitecteo vanenes 2m We reserve the right to limit quantities. Some illustrations in this flyer do not necessarily represent items on sale and are for design purposes only. We reserve the right to correct any unintentional errors that may occur in the copy or illustrations. Savings where indicated are based on our regular shelf price. Prices are effective Thursday 8:00 a.m. through Wednesday 11:59 p.m. Other exemptions may also apply. Certain prices and special offers advertised in our flyers may vary by area. To view local store flyer, visit metro. ca, where you can create an account (or sign into your account) and select your preferred location. Some seafood, bakery and floral items may not be available in all stores. Commercial resale of our products is prohibited.

Latest flyers

LOW PRICE EVERY DAY 100’s of items at the same low price every day. CTCL TUL eee SELECTION ‘OATS $009 19 SeLECTED wae Tas ea. SELECTION ea. was 5.99 ea. Fear aeree was 3.99 ea. SELECTED vanIEDES gn em a ( op. SELECTION REFRIGERATED SELECTION DRINK w ‘SLICED LOAF CAKE WSL 4205 SLECTEO VARIETIES a 7 SELECTED vaRIETIES m4 ~~ / ‘ NOW ¥ a4, 2 we ame 4 champignot S =] zZ S set AMAT emmone * 2 a ‘ . PICKLES L 299 wr 425 — 442 SELECTION SELECTION SELECTION CANNED ea. DRESSING PICKLES ea. soup VEGETABLES wos 379 00. aS ei wos 5.49 ¢0. 1 was 179 ea, Mm wos 179 ¢a. 341-398 ml SELECTED VaRiENIES SELECTED ARIES SELECTED wamsenEs SeLECTED vamnENES —— soda crackers {fi\) ’ aad ES | ery now ¥ CLASSIC ED Recall) Bt Presse BAD) sccm CLASSIO y MN; AND ea. COOKIES ea. SODA CRACKERS i ee m & eer } Sy ; WNL 3 — Ned, be ee] “= fn Leirrresces es ba I tg eae som SELECTION Be ed CANDY stb To) , seucreo sats NOW 41°9 ea. SELECTION ea. was 199 60. was 219 ea. = Suede anaes SELECTION BATHROOM TISSUE 30= 100 rats now # F =a V2 cm, BF rm §=— 41999" was 2:99 ea. is was 4.9960. NAPKINS sitecteo vanenes 2m We reserve the right to limit quantities. Some illustrations in this flyer do not necessarily represent items on sale and are for design purposes only. We reserve the right to correct any unintentional errors that may occur in the copy or illustrations. Savings where indicated are based on our regular shelf price. Prices are effective Thursday 8:00 a.m. through Wednesday 11:59 p.m. Other exemptions may also apply. Certain prices and special offers advertised in our flyers may vary by area. To view local store flyer, visit metro. ca, where you can create an account (or sign into your account) and select your preferred location. Some seafood, bakery and floral items may not be available in all stores. Commercial resale of our products is prohibited.

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