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Current flyer Sobeys - Halloween - Valid from 27.10 to 02.11 - Page nb 4

Flyer Sobeys 27.10.2022 - 02.11.2022

Products in this flyer

99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO (Oo COMPLIMENTS Honeycrisp off Apples fancy grade 3 ib om 5 9 9 COMPLIMENTS Fresh JARLSBERG works out to 3.65/100 g Split Chicken or ILE DE FRANCE Brie works out to fib Wings 1321/kg 293/100 g Ree oe Peet ta! ee TOPPITS Cooked Lobster Claws & Arms 454 g or COMPLIMENTS Regular or COMPLIMENTS Cooked ¥ Monster Cake 760 g Jumbo Wieners 450 g or Shrimp Rings with Sauce Grab 'n Snack 45 g 515-737 g umn Ty “F Pee. fot NeiN sg BARREL DEMPSTER'S 39 wees tor 3/498 Pasta (exciodes 2/650 Bread 600 gor 8’? Cheese COO gor 210-725 g lasagna) 900 g Bagels 6 pk Shreds 480 g —— ————o f Ge, es r- ZENS AUGAR ] “Breton 1S see 4 cee * Geo CUH, 7 a DARE Simple . x b a WA Pleasures Cookies FOLGERS Ground a ial 300-350 g or Coffee 544-865 g or wi ts 200-285 g, Coffee K-Cup* pods - reton Crackers 12 pk, TIM HORTONS. QPF cocrconsn 2/F oe Q$SA zest GID sresier tet Drinks 2. Drinks 12x355 mt sie ; on (SSS oa = oo Crisps 100 ¢ ROSE Tea 216 pk 5 . Sum, , 16Go uae | IMPERIAL or PILLSBURY PARKAY Margarine Pizza Pops 4 pk NESTLE Parlour $ 427 g or tCan't $ 10GO Yogurt 16 pk 2/5 5 or Crispy Crust Frozen Dessert 1.5 | 2/ Believe It’s Not 2/: or FAIRLIFE Milk Pizza 278-309 g or Novelties 12 pk Butter 427 g USL z =. e))\ Jeg 2/$ 2/$ BEN'S ORIGINAL Bistro Express QD TIVE Laundry 136 L. Pods 15:20 pk GAY LEA Sour Cream 250 mL. or of ORGANIC Ready to Heat Rice BOUNCE 60-120 pk or Touch Ups KRAFT Dips 227 g 240-250 g 2758 SPEND $50 IN JOEY’S RESTAURANT GIFT CARDS Now available in store! os Fity on” [ Beer and cider available at selected stores. 5 ¢ Kis wake es: wires “pricing includes taxes & refundable container deposit } f { , A guacamole and SS gl J tom chips: . - : Goreng J, D : : ; Extra GROLSCH CORONA EXTRA COORS LIGHT 6x500 mL tall cans. 6x330 mL bottles * + 6x473 mLtall cans promo retail 14.45 promo retail 15.95 Z promo retail 15.50 & PROUDLY CANADIAN #

Latest flyers

99 PRODUCT OF ONTARIO (Oo COMPLIMENTS Honeycrisp off Apples fancy grade 3 ib om 5 9 9 COMPLIMENTS Fresh JARLSBERG works out to 3.65/100 g Split Chicken or ILE DE FRANCE Brie works out to fib Wings 1321/kg 293/100 g Ree oe Peet ta! ee TOPPITS Cooked Lobster Claws & Arms 454 g or COMPLIMENTS Regular or COMPLIMENTS Cooked ¥ Monster Cake 760 g Jumbo Wieners 450 g or Shrimp Rings with Sauce Grab 'n Snack 45 g 515-737 g umn Ty “F Pee. fot NeiN sg BARREL DEMPSTER'S 39 wees tor 3/498 Pasta (exciodes 2/650 Bread 600 gor 8’? Cheese COO gor 210-725 g lasagna) 900 g Bagels 6 pk Shreds 480 g —— ————o f Ge, es r- ZENS AUGAR ] “Breton 1S see 4 cee * Geo CUH, 7 a DARE Simple . x b a WA Pleasures Cookies FOLGERS Ground a ial 300-350 g or Coffee 544-865 g or wi ts 200-285 g, Coffee K-Cup* pods - reton Crackers 12 pk, TIM HORTONS. QPF cocrconsn 2/F oe Q$SA zest GID sresier tet Drinks 2. Drinks 12x355 mt sie ; on (SSS oa = oo Crisps 100 ¢ ROSE Tea 216 pk 5 . Sum, , 16Go uae | IMPERIAL or PILLSBURY PARKAY Margarine Pizza Pops 4 pk NESTLE Parlour $ 427 g or tCan't $ 10GO Yogurt 16 pk 2/5 5 or Crispy Crust Frozen Dessert 1.5 | 2/ Believe It’s Not 2/: or FAIRLIFE Milk Pizza 278-309 g or Novelties 12 pk Butter 427 g USL z =. e))\ Jeg 2/$ 2/$ BEN'S ORIGINAL Bistro Express QD TIVE Laundry 136 L. Pods 15:20 pk GAY LEA Sour Cream 250 mL. or of ORGANIC Ready to Heat Rice BOUNCE 60-120 pk or Touch Ups KRAFT Dips 227 g 240-250 g 2758 SPEND $50 IN JOEY’S RESTAURANT GIFT CARDS Now available in store! os Fity on” [ Beer and cider available at selected stores. 5 ¢ Kis wake es: wires “pricing includes taxes & refundable container deposit } f { , A guacamole and SS gl J tom chips: . - : Goreng J, D : : ; Extra GROLSCH CORONA EXTRA COORS LIGHT 6x500 mL tall cans. 6x330 mL bottles * + 6x473 mLtall cans promo retail 14.45 promo retail 15.95 Z promo retail 15.50 & PROUDLY CANADIAN #

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