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Current flyer Independent - Valid from 29.09 to 05.10 - Page nb 3

Flyer Independent 29.09.2022 - 05.10.2022

Products in this flyer

greenhouse tomatoes, ‘on the vine product of Canada or Mexico 4.39/kg seczeroonn Ke on > small navel seedless or: product of South Afriga: zieesei001 4 pI selected varieties product of Canada, Canada fancy grade 4\b ‘mst EAVZOTETHNNOR EA 78 Lg 10 wks 9a e w es Farmer's Market” ‘ ~ product of carrots or onions a New Zealand product of Ontario, 2b clamshell Canada no. 1 grade nuree001 eA 3b Se we ‘2osoennroe EAzeenIeIO1 EA > PC* mixed Prima Gattie peac! 142 g selected product of U.S.A., varieties or Popeye no. 1 grade Select spinach 8.80/kg 283 g product cao yah of U.S.A. 20seste_EAVzI20TS1 EA } 5 a9 mi 4° PC" Organics portobello be names Naturally Imperfect” co! pple mushroom caps ixed peppers product of Canada _ available in-store product of Canada cr Mexico 2.5 Ib daily in the salad bar, " seme 600 Doms ieaeas tA 18 15" chicken or pulled pork taco trays selec Wjetiog foray Packer Pack selected varieties 75 selected varietiay” 580-720 roan 540/680 gs reseets ESE

Latest flyers

greenhouse tomatoes, ‘on the vine product of Canada or Mexico 4.39/kg seczeroonn Ke on > small navel seedless or: product of South Afriga: zieesei001 4 pI selected varieties product of Canada, Canada fancy grade 4\b ‘mst EAVZOTETHNNOR EA 78 Lg 10 wks 9a e w es Farmer's Market” ‘ ~ product of carrots or onions a New Zealand product of Ontario, 2b clamshell Canada no. 1 grade nuree001 eA 3b Se we ‘2osoennroe EAzeenIeIO1 EA > PC* mixed Prima Gattie peac! 142 g selected product of U.S.A., varieties or Popeye no. 1 grade Select spinach 8.80/kg 283 g product cao yah of U.S.A. 20seste_EAVzI20TS1 EA } 5 a9 mi 4° PC" Organics portobello be names Naturally Imperfect” co! pple mushroom caps ixed peppers product of Canada _ available in-store product of Canada cr Mexico 2.5 Ib daily in the salad bar, " seme 600 Doms ieaeas tA 18 15" chicken or pulled pork taco trays selec Wjetiog foray Packer Pack selected varieties 75 selected varietiay” 580-720 roan 540/680 gs reseets ESE

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