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Current flyer FreshCo - Back To School - Valid from 01.09 to 07.09 - Page nb 1

Flyer FreshCo 01.09.2022 - 07.09.2022

Products in this flyer

FRESH CO Lowering food prices Red Seedless Grapes Product of USA No. 1 Grade 3.28/kg Compliments Angus, Sirloin or Prime Rib Beef Burgers Frozen 1.13 kg reg 15.99 Astro Yogourt Tubs 500-750 g aR, = Selected Varieties 1 CHEDDAR Black Diamond Cheese Slices 410 g reg 2.99-3.99 PTC ITS Yogourt, fromage 7 YOGOURT Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 Green Sweet Bell Peppers Product of Ontario 2.18/kg Sweet Corn 5 pk Celery Bunch Product of Sirloin Steaks Product of Canada Ontario Frozen 227 g Canada No. 1 Canada No. 1 reg 7.99 Mais Biftecks ‘Tomates, poivrons, céleri ee Pepsi Soft Drinks 12x355 mL ¢ ‘| Selected Varieties ren a ur meee | : rrr PSPs Double 24=48 rolls Sponge Towels Mega 6 pk reg 17.49-19.49 Papier hygiénique, essule-tout

FRESH CO Lowering food prices Red Seedless Grapes Product of USA No. 1 Grade 3.28/kg Compliments Angus, Sirloin or Prime Rib Beef Burgers Frozen 1.13 kg reg 15.99 Astro Yogourt Tubs 500-750 g aR, = Selected Varieties 1 CHEDDAR Black Diamond Cheese Slices 410 g reg 2.99-3.99 PTC ITS Yogourt, fromage 7 YOGOURT Product of Ontario Canada No. 1 Green Sweet Bell Peppers Product of Ontario 2.18/kg Sweet Corn 5 pk Celery Bunch Product of Sirloin Steaks Product of Canada Ontario Frozen 227 g Canada No. 1 Canada No. 1 reg 7.99 Mais Biftecks ‘Tomates, poivrons, céleri ee Pepsi Soft Drinks 12x355 mL ¢ ‘| Selected Varieties ren a ur meee | : rrr PSPs Double 24=48 rolls Sponge Towels Mega 6 pk reg 17.49-19.49 Papier hygiénique, essule-tout

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