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Current flyer No Frills - New Year - Valid from 29.12 to 04.01 - Page nb 6

Flyer No Frills 29.12.2022 - 04.01.2023

Products in this flyer

COOL FOR SCHOOL en Laughing ¢ ne 9 Coy, saWVache qui; MINI BABYBEL 100-129 g or THE LAUGHING COW CHEESE 120-140 selected varieties 203917 Eay20874332 fA aeons YOPLAIT SOURCE 630g or TUBES 8's oc MINIGO 6's or LIBERTE CLASSIQUE TUBS 6509 YOGURT selected varieties yogourt Tipvorneaoe ca/nivnaieco ZIGGY'S® SLICED DELI MEA’ varieties TROPICANA or SIMPLY JUICE o JUICE BLENDS selected vorieties 1.54/1.751 simply range SCHNEIDERS LUNCHMATE LUNCH KITS o STACKERS selected vorieties, 55-120 9 prerrey (CEREAL 475-778 g or LIBERTE GREEK YOOURT 650/750 g selected varieties ou yogourt céréles ou sivoaeea WA/reeer7a OA tartinade de noisettes 2eSDPHN 008 LATTE TA QUAKER DIPPS o CHEWY GRANOLA pans fois ee DOLE ae BOWLS 4x107 mt FRUIT 'N GEL SNACKS CLOVER LEAF WHITE PASTA SAUCE selected varieties TUNA oc BISTRO BOWLS 4x123q 410/650 mb selected varieties, 170 vorietios sauce pour pates ou bols bols de fruits ov « Setartoon an oossseootn 14 Bens ribet th 2eanssonh TaN 4e003 ta LOWER FOOD PRICES 2: corosced to ful serice supermarets by Msning operating costs low. We don't have “is” tw cosy plays, elaborate B RI ¢C E M ATC Bl fae bg aera be er sees ne me caning bong rte Racha, Quebec von Pri toms, se) of ems may be Krted ak ot be aatable al somes. No subseutons on clearance Rems or when quantities are ackerisd a hited We fi ‘ r ~=% resene the right to linet purchase quantibes per customer mescratie taney tequeements. See for details. We are dt obligated to sell ind a cheaper price and we'll match it. items tases on erors or mspeets in typopasty or hetogranty. PRICING: All sxengs claies fe. "Save", Was", “1/2 Pree’, ee.) are n companson to ‘ost krwest reg.dar retal prices at No Frits locations. Savings on items shown may vary i each store location. Applicable tases, deposits, o enviconmental surcharges ao extra. OUR PRICE apples to select featured items in comparison to ou regular retad peice. REGULAR PRICING may vary by location. COUPONS must be presented and redeemed at tne of purchase. MATCH If a Major Supermariuct competi 8 store's Geograptuc Trade Area, advertises a lower 6 for an identical or comparable e effoctve date of the competitor's adverisement aed we wit mich that lower price. FOR A COMPETITORS THAT ARE PART OF THAT STORE'S PRICE MATCH PROGRAM VISIT YOUR NO FRILLS® STORE. We mach ential ems eon same brand em pe in te case of rece, mest nd bake, se an ates, comps es in ie case fpr abet We determin Major SopemastConet Trade Areas’, ‘Advertising’ and ‘Comparable ems’ solely at our descretion based on many factors which are subyect to change over time. Excludes: ‘Spend X Get X;; Free’, ‘Exclusive emad or offers. partegutng, toms under the Save it Fornard™ program timeframe and loyalty program cescount offers including PC Optimum Member Preing, We may int ary pnce match quantity up to 4 per tem. The “Pree ‘Match” program & applicable 10 partments owned and operated by the No Frits Franchisee or Franchisor al does not apy to Gas Stans o¢ Parmacy and preseaphocs as defined und appkcablelegsation The “Price Match” program does not app to any other third party operators on our premises such as: Meat, Seafood, Barbecue or Bakery, Price match and/or ad match requests Go not apply to products sold and shipped by 3rd party Selless on Me offers are only avadable to vad PC Optimum™ program members. Membership is free. To register as a PC Optmum'™ member, see in-store oF vist poopimur ca We are not clas to ova ports sed on errs or mss. No ca ave. Se not ak al pgm ceasing reerotonresticons,Mrimum edemgton 1 ‘cannot be combned with any other coupons, discounts oF promotions. and no adjustments on prvious purchases. We reserve to moddy oF cancel these offers without notice. Product avadabty may vary by store. Whale supplies last. We reserve She right to kent quantities, *Recelve the poetts specified when you spend the qualfing dolar amount on tte me Cughyed porsche produ) sider compra before taxes and atter redemptions and all coupons and disco deducted in a sangle transacton; ** Valid for flyer duration, after which the pace wil be the same: for both PC Optimum™ and TODPC Optinam™ monbern, tees application Be purchase erent Wr Gacounes. PC Optean?™ member psig ne epptie fo Bay pice mutch propane fo Deion Stes operating wer the Loblaws Ine. banner ay WMOFRILLS customer revations 1-866-98-smite (76453) 0 to == ant

Latest flyers

COOL FOR SCHOOL en Laughing ¢ ne 9 Coy, saWVache qui; MINI BABYBEL 100-129 g or THE LAUGHING COW CHEESE 120-140 selected varieties 203917 Eay20874332 fA aeons YOPLAIT SOURCE 630g or TUBES 8's oc MINIGO 6's or LIBERTE CLASSIQUE TUBS 6509 YOGURT selected varieties yogourt Tipvorneaoe ca/nivnaieco ZIGGY'S® SLICED DELI MEA’ varieties TROPICANA or SIMPLY JUICE o JUICE BLENDS selected vorieties 1.54/1.751 simply range SCHNEIDERS LUNCHMATE LUNCH KITS o STACKERS selected vorieties, 55-120 9 prerrey (CEREAL 475-778 g or LIBERTE GREEK YOOURT 650/750 g selected varieties ou yogourt céréles ou sivoaeea WA/reeer7a OA tartinade de noisettes 2eSDPHN 008 LATTE TA QUAKER DIPPS o CHEWY GRANOLA pans fois ee DOLE ae BOWLS 4x107 mt FRUIT 'N GEL SNACKS CLOVER LEAF WHITE PASTA SAUCE selected varieties TUNA oc BISTRO BOWLS 4x123q 410/650 mb selected varieties, 170 vorietios sauce pour pates ou bols bols de fruits ov « Setartoon an oossseootn 14 Bens ribet th 2eanssonh TaN 4e003 ta LOWER FOOD PRICES 2: corosced to ful serice supermarets by Msning operating costs low. We don't have “is” tw cosy plays, elaborate B RI ¢C E M ATC Bl fae bg aera be er sees ne me caning bong rte Racha, Quebec von Pri toms, se) of ems may be Krted ak ot be aatable al somes. No subseutons on clearance Rems or when quantities are ackerisd a hited We fi ‘ r ~=% resene the right to linet purchase quantibes per customer mescratie taney tequeements. See for details. We are dt obligated to sell ind a cheaper price and we'll match it. items tases on erors or mspeets in typopasty or hetogranty. PRICING: All sxengs claies fe. "Save", Was", “1/2 Pree’, ee.) are n companson to ‘ost krwest reg.dar retal prices at No Frits locations. Savings on items shown may vary i each store location. Applicable tases, deposits, o enviconmental surcharges ao extra. OUR PRICE apples to select featured items in comparison to ou regular retad peice. REGULAR PRICING may vary by location. COUPONS must be presented and redeemed at tne of purchase. MATCH If a Major Supermariuct competi 8 store's Geograptuc Trade Area, advertises a lower 6 for an identical or comparable e effoctve date of the competitor's adverisement aed we wit mich that lower price. FOR A COMPETITORS THAT ARE PART OF THAT STORE'S PRICE MATCH PROGRAM VISIT YOUR NO FRILLS® STORE. We mach ential ems eon same brand em pe in te case of rece, mest nd bake, se an ates, comps es in ie case fpr abet We determin Major SopemastConet Trade Areas’, ‘Advertising’ and ‘Comparable ems’ solely at our descretion based on many factors which are subyect to change over time. Excludes: ‘Spend X Get X;; Free’, ‘Exclusive emad or offers. partegutng, toms under the Save it Fornard™ program timeframe and loyalty program cescount offers including PC Optimum Member Preing, We may int ary pnce match quantity up to 4 per tem. The “Pree ‘Match” program & applicable 10 partments owned and operated by the No Frits Franchisee or Franchisor al does not apy to Gas Stans o¢ Parmacy and preseaphocs as defined und appkcablelegsation The “Price Match” program does not app to any other third party operators on our premises such as: Meat, Seafood, Barbecue or Bakery, Price match and/or ad match requests Go not apply to products sold and shipped by 3rd party Selless on Me offers are only avadable to vad PC Optimum™ program members. Membership is free. To register as a PC Optmum'™ member, see in-store oF vist poopimur ca We are not clas to ova ports sed on errs or mss. No ca ave. Se not ak al pgm ceasing reerotonresticons,Mrimum edemgton 1 ‘cannot be combned with any other coupons, discounts oF promotions. and no adjustments on prvious purchases. We reserve to moddy oF cancel these offers without notice. Product avadabty may vary by store. Whale supplies last. We reserve She right to kent quantities, *Recelve the poetts specified when you spend the qualfing dolar amount on tte me Cughyed porsche produ) sider compra before taxes and atter redemptions and all coupons and disco deducted in a sangle transacton; ** Valid for flyer duration, after which the pace wil be the same: for both PC Optimum™ and TODPC Optinam™ monbern, tees application Be purchase erent Wr Gacounes. PC Optean?™ member psig ne epptie fo Bay pice mutch propane fo Deion Stes operating wer the Loblaws Ine. banner ay WMOFRILLS customer revations 1-866-98-smite (76453) 0 to == ant

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