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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 3

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

FRUIT & VEG MEAT & SEAFOOD PANTRY PROUDLY = ae MARINARA, =. = ALFREDO UMIT6 BUY 2ORMORE PC" Black Label pasta PC* pasta sauce PC* salad dressing Seoneneaa soo 50 cteiwen, som = DAD Scononersm so = : ten a Sernctisaj bei Santi ts somtntas no name" cheese bars en dark roast coffee ‘ tty medium cheddar deel t footed oes uMIT4 \ NON-MEMBER PRICE noname' roast and ground coffee See 749 8°92 en < ze connate wi BABY BRUSSELS SPROUTS ETITS CHOUX # BRUXELLES Ă© om q ae — = uMIT4 uMIT4 PC* frozen fruit PC frozen vegetables Sec vote 4006009 3°99 Seced water 3007005 99 : * a a oars Saves : 4 PC" croutons 140g or uMIT3 PC" Blue Menu" beans, UIT 4 tortilla strips 99 g PC* 100% pure maple syrup: lentils or s eee 272 oh 99 ee Oe sets 00 os . - . crertntpey 15990 eres nts “ < = BLUEBERRY “=r ‘FLarOOR A SuvEUR OE % % BIEUETS yee PCr The! uMIT6 uMIT4 BUY 2 OR MORE chocolate chips ‘no name* peanut butter PC* Gluten-t waffles Sete goo o 379 Secedwses wang ROO <a < a ‘< start S008 masa Sas inosine Sis

FRUIT & VEG MEAT & SEAFOOD PANTRY PROUDLY = ae MARINARA, =. = ALFREDO UMIT6 BUY 2ORMORE PC" Black Label pasta PC* pasta sauce PC* salad dressing Seoneneaa soo 50 cteiwen, som = DAD Scononersm so = : ten a Sernctisaj bei Santi ts somtntas no name" cheese bars en dark roast coffee ‘ tty medium cheddar deel t footed oes uMIT4 \ NON-MEMBER PRICE noname' roast and ground coffee See 749 8°92 en < ze connate wi BABY BRUSSELS SPROUTS ETITS CHOUX # BRUXELLES Ă© om q ae — = uMIT4 uMIT4 PC* frozen fruit PC frozen vegetables Sec vote 4006009 3°99 Seced water 3007005 99 : * a a oars Saves : 4 PC" croutons 140g or uMIT3 PC" Blue Menu" beans, UIT 4 tortilla strips 99 g PC* 100% pure maple syrup: lentils or s eee 272 oh 99 ee Oe sets 00 os . - . crertntpey 15990 eres nts “ < = BLUEBERRY “=r ‘FLarOOR A SuvEUR OE % % BIEUETS yee PCr The! uMIT6 uMIT4 BUY 2 OR MORE chocolate chips ‘no name* peanut butter PC* Gluten-t waffles Sete goo o 379 Secedwses wang ROO <a < a ‘< start S008 masa Sas inosine Sis

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