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Current flyer Peavey Mart - Valid from 06.01 to 12.01 - Page nb 14

Flyer Peavey Mart 06.01.2023 - 12.01.2023

Products in this flyer

SAVE 30% [RRYNMPSAVESIO. @ Grate SAVE 40% Select LED Corn Bulbs 2999 2 499 4 1 99 Selieiceldaen pen 35’ Extension Cords 1200 Lumen LED 5000 Lumen 4’ Avcilble in pink, green, bloe, Portable Work Light Linkable Shop Light crenge 8 yeow 15W. Adjustable light head. 5 cord, mounting chain & “S° 0g 3499 hooks included. Link up to 8 units 451531-33, 41, 629 sstera2 ce Vian ED wihlonscover Reg. 69.99 3504998 0-0 ¢$H SAVE $15 #WAGAN’ SAVE $20 sunxumar SAVE $30 SUNADRCE 28% G7 94% 1000 Lumen Solar 150 LED Triple Head Gooseneck Solar Wall Light Solar Motion Light Wall Light Auto on ot right & auto off ater Adjustable side lamp heads move Comes with a close gooseneck sku Description Reg. Sale 5 hours. Recharges during day. upwards, downwards & horizontally sconce & an adjustable pivot as Reg, 43.49 for maximum lighting coveroge Operates outomatcally 3002464 72500 Lumen 2.991128 SSLOAe! ae” aR) = aan 810103011 5000 Lumen 2297 17.23 Ke Hill em 3529932 3506121 5200 Lumen, 2897 21.73 = a = ecu @& GT-ite SAVE 20% UTILITY WHEELS ; eS er y 4.10/3.50x4x5/8 or 4.10/3.50x4x3/4. SE 9 SAVE 15% SAVE 15% ‘ SAVE 20% Ne See oe Furnace Filters ee Fire Extinguishers @ Kidde @ Kidde ‘Assorted options available Assorted options available ‘Assorted options avoilable ] 5 5 9 Reg. 3.99-74.99 Reg. 9.99-67.99 Reg, 33.49-124.99 ; Smoke Alarm rf . 9V. Hush button. lonization technology - better at = detecting fast flaming 5 y fires. a Reg. 19.49 “Discount opps oreo priced ers ony a ; | ™ SAVE 15% DURACELL \ ® Duracell Batteries ! xX Reg. 2.67-28.49 _ Q « = >ss “Discount applies to regula priced items only Discount opples fo regular priced ils only ° praia Piao belles §= SAVE 40% @renuon SAVE $100 Qreouon SAVE $100 ‘@oo italien 83° | °s 449% °“s 879% “& oS Sa Foie oether eect iad ioe a Hepeenbecmoptasnc 3/4hp Convertible Jet Pump eee eel —_ = tility Pumy Rugged cast iron casing, ideal for use later ner SAVE 15% | witon) 8 eee A, tpt 80- 18.2 opm max ow eel a Ae Wilson Rodenticide thermoplostic construction. Reg. 549.99 & uses less detergent in the wash for os 285046 cleaner, brighter & softer fabrics 284860 4 Reg. 979.99 1011232 “Discount applies to regulr priced items only. Dy 100% Canadian Owned & Operated P=

Latest flyers

SAVE 30% [RRYNMPSAVESIO. @ Grate SAVE 40% Select LED Corn Bulbs 2999 2 499 4 1 99 Selieiceldaen pen 35’ Extension Cords 1200 Lumen LED 5000 Lumen 4’ Avcilble in pink, green, bloe, Portable Work Light Linkable Shop Light crenge 8 yeow 15W. Adjustable light head. 5 cord, mounting chain & “S° 0g 3499 hooks included. Link up to 8 units 451531-33, 41, 629 sstera2 ce Vian ED wihlonscover Reg. 69.99 3504998 0-0 ¢$H SAVE $15 #WAGAN’ SAVE $20 sunxumar SAVE $30 SUNADRCE 28% G7 94% 1000 Lumen Solar 150 LED Triple Head Gooseneck Solar Wall Light Solar Motion Light Wall Light Auto on ot right & auto off ater Adjustable side lamp heads move Comes with a close gooseneck sku Description Reg. Sale 5 hours. Recharges during day. upwards, downwards & horizontally sconce & an adjustable pivot as Reg, 43.49 for maximum lighting coveroge Operates outomatcally 3002464 72500 Lumen 2.991128 SSLOAe! ae” aR) = aan 810103011 5000 Lumen 2297 17.23 Ke Hill em 3529932 3506121 5200 Lumen, 2897 21.73 = a = ecu @& GT-ite SAVE 20% UTILITY WHEELS ; eS er y 4.10/3.50x4x5/8 or 4.10/3.50x4x3/4. SE 9 SAVE 15% SAVE 15% ‘ SAVE 20% Ne See oe Furnace Filters ee Fire Extinguishers @ Kidde @ Kidde ‘Assorted options available Assorted options available ‘Assorted options avoilable ] 5 5 9 Reg. 3.99-74.99 Reg. 9.99-67.99 Reg, 33.49-124.99 ; Smoke Alarm rf . 9V. Hush button. lonization technology - better at = detecting fast flaming 5 y fires. a Reg. 19.49 “Discount opps oreo priced ers ony a ; | ™ SAVE 15% DURACELL \ ® Duracell Batteries ! xX Reg. 2.67-28.49 _ Q « = >ss “Discount applies to regula priced items only Discount opples fo regular priced ils only ° praia Piao belles §= SAVE 40% @renuon SAVE $100 Qreouon SAVE $100 ‘@oo italien 83° | °s 449% °“s 879% “& oS Sa Foie oether eect iad ioe a Hepeenbecmoptasnc 3/4hp Convertible Jet Pump eee eel —_ = tility Pumy Rugged cast iron casing, ideal for use later ner SAVE 15% | witon) 8 eee A, tpt 80- 18.2 opm max ow eel a Ae Wilson Rodenticide thermoplostic construction. Reg. 549.99 & uses less detergent in the wash for os 285046 cleaner, brighter & softer fabrics 284860 4 Reg. 979.99 1011232 “Discount applies to regulr priced items only. Dy 100% Canadian Owned & Operated P=

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