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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Back To School - Valid from 01.09 to 07.09 - Page nb 5

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 01.09.2022 - 07.09.2022

Products in this flyer

EVERYTHING Back2School BLUE DIAMOND almonds non-dairy’ selected varieties, 946 mL Granola Bars arg 15 Baw, © SPEND & GET 2,500 for every $10' spent on nic granola bars, minis, cookies cor crispy squares all varieties and sizes Qe Ns JORDANS or Dorset cereal selected varieties, 325-620g ‘over limit pay 6.79 6a ‘Nature's Path organic cereal 729 ea selected varieties, 650-907 g Zevia zero calorie beve selected varieties, 6355 mL Nature's Path organic envirokidz cereal re, Mae Annie's macaroni & cheese 1 99 selected varieties, 170g cvartabipag at ss daiya’” € < . (GLUTEN-FREE PIZZA Violife vege alternative to cheese selected varieties, 150-227 ca over limit pay 6.49.00 PC* Organics peanut ee smooth or crunchy, FEEL GOOD OLYMPIC organic 6509 or kids yogurt 490 9 selected varieties Ku | Ki ® = Kijuorganicjuice saeconeees scam GOO ass than 2 poy 2.49.08 t 3) fee ice We =o) SKINNY POP BUY 2ORMORE — pave noo) tess than 2 pay 8.49.08 selected varieties, 12x39/40.9 —? PC* Organics apple sauce 100g 6x100 ml oret selected varieties | foi Y Mn Es

Latest flyers

EVERYTHING Back2School BLUE DIAMOND almonds non-dairy’ selected varieties, 946 mL Granola Bars arg 15 Baw, © SPEND & GET 2,500 for every $10' spent on nic granola bars, minis, cookies cor crispy squares all varieties and sizes Qe Ns JORDANS or Dorset cereal selected varieties, 325-620g ‘over limit pay 6.79 6a ‘Nature's Path organic cereal 729 ea selected varieties, 650-907 g Zevia zero calorie beve selected varieties, 6355 mL Nature's Path organic envirokidz cereal re, Mae Annie's macaroni & cheese 1 99 selected varieties, 170g cvartabipag at ss daiya’” € < . (GLUTEN-FREE PIZZA Violife vege alternative to cheese selected varieties, 150-227 ca over limit pay 6.49.00 PC* Organics peanut ee smooth or crunchy, FEEL GOOD OLYMPIC organic 6509 or kids yogurt 490 9 selected varieties Ku | Ki ® = Kijuorganicjuice saeconeees scam GOO ass than 2 poy 2.49.08 t 3) fee ice We =o) SKINNY POP BUY 2ORMORE — pave noo) tess than 2 pay 8.49.08 selected varieties, 12x39/40.9 —? PC* Organics apple sauce 100g 6x100 ml oret selected varieties | foi Y Mn Es

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