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Current flyer T&T Supermarket - Valid from 09.09 to 15.09 - Page nb 2

Flyer T&T Supermarket 09.09.2022 - 15.09.2022

Products in this flyer

ie) 3 a 2 ES LE “€ } a j * Sweet Potato ‘White Peach BRM aE ) Ke a SS ' a Fy ¢ & 2 Ss Frozen wna ym setae 4 a Shrimp HL Frozen Abalone anay © : saten 5 AONE oe Live Broun Grab 2209 = 2609S crsenes GS GEED) 3 r Fresh Chicken Leg } BonelessiSkiniess Fresh Beef Shank y HRB R Digital Muscle Beef Ribeye (Whole) Ul RRR uw PRR PEE ao PIRES RI) RC Condensed LY Brown Sree WZ Seasoning ~~ IQ ieraas Se 10gxt0-420 Sunity Herbal Jelly TRE FASGSR 21593 a tae “en Oa Riel Tropicana Juice Bee Tropicanase:t ae $803 = en Seediess , Green Grapes Gold Kiwifut (Box) SRG (HH) RRGRR(B) USA %» New Zealand = TToothfish Steak SRR Frozen \n ca 2 ‘Chingping % RE Fresh AA Grade Beef Short Ribs oo BAAR a ane % Gungjeonbang Regular Korean Rice( Sliced /Stick) Jj 2n5 a ets (DA HRIR) 40009 isan Dred 6s Sue Stars) BEAR (= SARE) 500g m OM Beancurd Sticks, STC : yy ie j ’ Zejeush Fu Lays Potato Chips ss) ae yun Mask ROG SESH Bee, RRB we EA JayjuniiBt rs , ee = ae 2a Setittancio : a Stichied Chitker Delicacy ; pe L ae Tar W/ Zucchini 8 Lychee | “ac Fal sweet Egg Bread! Mini Portuguese Egg 3items" e room ‘ely Coke ay ‘Taro Bread / LE a BBQ Combo RANA BHETE Bese TERA BAS set a Pate 0289.3 6pes oo =Has E se 11009 ‘tm 4009 ‘my 6809 om Not yet amember? Fatare > mae Follow us on Mt RES DOWNLOAD eS APP NOW ail Customer Service Hotline: ‘snes no stson ot tems may be etd a may ot be BERR: 1-866-868-5678 Check our website for More Specials BSHMAe + HAR a eeeiaecans picaicrintart ony ian

Latest flyers

ie) 3 a 2 ES LE “€ } a j * Sweet Potato ‘White Peach BRM aE ) Ke a SS ' a Fy ¢ & 2 Ss Frozen wna ym setae 4 a Shrimp HL Frozen Abalone anay © : saten 5 AONE oe Live Broun Grab 2209 = 2609S crsenes GS GEED) 3 r Fresh Chicken Leg } BonelessiSkiniess Fresh Beef Shank y HRB R Digital Muscle Beef Ribeye (Whole) Ul RRR uw PRR PEE ao PIRES RI) RC Condensed LY Brown Sree WZ Seasoning ~~ IQ ieraas Se 10gxt0-420 Sunity Herbal Jelly TRE FASGSR 21593 a tae “en Oa Riel Tropicana Juice Bee Tropicanase:t ae $803 = en Seediess , Green Grapes Gold Kiwifut (Box) SRG (HH) RRGRR(B) USA %» New Zealand = TToothfish Steak SRR Frozen \n ca 2 ‘Chingping % RE Fresh AA Grade Beef Short Ribs oo BAAR a ane % Gungjeonbang Regular Korean Rice( Sliced /Stick) Jj 2n5 a ets (DA HRIR) 40009 isan Dred 6s Sue Stars) BEAR (= SARE) 500g m OM Beancurd Sticks, STC : yy ie j ’ Zejeush Fu Lays Potato Chips ss) ae yun Mask ROG SESH Bee, RRB we EA JayjuniiBt rs , ee = ae 2a Setittancio : a Stichied Chitker Delicacy ; pe L ae Tar W/ Zucchini 8 Lychee | “ac Fal sweet Egg Bread! Mini Portuguese Egg 3items" e room ‘ely Coke ay ‘Taro Bread / LE a BBQ Combo RANA BHETE Bese TERA BAS set a Pate 0289.3 6pes oo =Has E se 11009 ‘tm 4009 ‘my 6809 om Not yet amember? Fatare > mae Follow us on Mt RES DOWNLOAD eS APP NOW ail Customer Service Hotline: ‘snes no stson ot tems may be etd a may ot be BERR: 1-866-868-5678 Check our website for More Specials BSHMAe + HAR a eeeiaecans picaicrintart ony ian

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