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Current flyer RONA - Black Friday - Valid from 17.11 to 23.11 - Page nb 10

Flyer RONA 17.11.2022 - 23.11.2022

Products in this flyer

ie PAGE 08 - C1 37% HOBBYBOARD § Natural sprace 0 ‘ 304", 16" x 72" si . 00175743 <47S2M> VE e803 — “219. eens PARK™ PRE-HUNG DOOR Primed MOF, Lett or ight hand opening 30°. corrsen2i93 <A2T9E5P> TENORS Ato swaiable 32" COITSSIN/I8 <az9793/> 78811621 254-00 224.00 ea. $139. 2-PANEL DOOR SLAB 1-3/8" thick. Primed, Smooth finish 30° oe 32". 140840870 <HATIBAIESD mmo METRIE METRIE $239 tnt pacman 4" x a0", cRBSSI68 <B501S6> ‘Alto avaiable 60" OBESS349 <BS0057> 279.00 SAVE $100 $349 was $449 “FUSION® SLIDING DOOR Stee! grey coloured woes Frosted glass ests 48" 80-02". 088S6104 <})0898> Ap revlable 60" 08856105 <372551> ° 469:00 369.00 ctondat epee INSTALLED $470. 6 emcee | MI Lett. or right hand opening, 3" or 36", ceaosPierTTiCOOOIO! <BSeUSII> SAVE $S0 $329. “SOUTHPORT” ALUMINUM STORM Door Reversibie tempered giss hat screen. WNte. 32" or 16" 2 BT". 3968903536 “<AGTESUS2> essed OCTOBER 27TO NOVEMBER 23, 2022 FRIDAY SAVE 11% 351 6°? EVERYDAY 39. ft LOW PRICE was $66 QUARTER ROUND WALL PANEL Premed fiagerjonted pre lecludes 2" to 10° wide beards. rev WOROSCOOOT <9TSSEISS> OFSOENSS <P007%H> 14406 arzaare e996 Sel in 17.8 59. ft. box a METRIE SAVE $15 SAVE $40 179 $199. © was $494 was $239 S-LITE FRENCH DOOR “RIVERSIDE” S-PANEL Sandblasted glass. Clear pine. PRE-HUNG DOOR 20", o933804 <aBeHSI> Primed hardeoaed. Let oF nghthand opening, 2er, e1ans N62 <I> Ato nalite: 32" 69338005 <4ssas2> 199-00 184.00 METRIE $134. : $99 “RIVERSIDE” S-PANEL | TEXTURED 6-PANEL | INTERIOR DOOR SLAB DOOR SLAB Prned hardboard | Haedboard with peime cout 90" of 327, 140438052 | 20r. seaosoer <a3010» <06238/97> | 227% | | | | Abvo awaable “ M) | 32° eesos0e <a30193> mM) METRIE | 272777 105,00 METRIE SAVE $20 SAVE $15 154 144 wos $474 wos S489 “RIVERSIDE” BIFOLD DOOR “UNCOLN PARK™ Prved MOF, BIFOLD DOOR 247, es40sens <aIIH> Primed MOF 24”. CONTSOTS <380635> 786450 ' Ao wealabie ' 30" COITSON <380634> 784479 159-00 144,00 Aso naisbie (4) | 36" corso7 <3t0636> 30” 61405489 <332257> 179-00 159.00 METRIE | TRs480 184-00 169.00 METRIE $124 oe, “ECONOMICAL SERIES" $4 | SLIDING MIRROR DOOR wane White fame = 8455235 <Bsorte> Premed hardboard S embossed pane's. a x00. ONBSSHRE <3S2604> | Ao avaiable 60" x 80.5" 08855336 <a501%> ° Oo 259.00 coteniabsepren aicamaisiaie GET ARONA GIFT CARO WORTH OF THE % VALUE OF YOUR GARAGA GARAGE DOOR PROJECT $332 $20 : $339 6-PANEL STEEL DOOR aun SER Late right hand epeeing was easier 32" or 36". COPESOINITI22S > Soon cman aoe Soon crewer, Backup battery po ant 4357002 ana be Ba Es 155 (ON GARAGE OOOR OPENER seetoraae iiicotie smerns SAVE $70 $369. aoe wos $439 “TRADEWINDS” STORM DOOR Fabien ot mdview Aluminum Tempered glass. White 22° or 34" 81. 30738590082 <AOPESU > SSSIORSESDSD Crome nM cn

ie PAGE 08 - C1 37% HOBBYBOARD § Natural sprace 0 ‘ 304", 16" x 72" si . 00175743 <47S2M> VE e803 — “219. eens PARK™ PRE-HUNG DOOR Primed MOF, Lett or ight hand opening 30°. corrsen2i93 <A2T9E5P> TENORS Ato swaiable 32" COITSSIN/I8 <az9793/> 78811621 254-00 224.00 ea. $139. 2-PANEL DOOR SLAB 1-3/8" thick. Primed, Smooth finish 30° oe 32". 140840870 <HATIBAIESD mmo METRIE METRIE $239 tnt pacman 4" x a0", cRBSSI68 <B501S6> ‘Alto avaiable 60" OBESS349 <BS0057> 279.00 SAVE $100 $349 was $449 “FUSION® SLIDING DOOR Stee! grey coloured woes Frosted glass ests 48" 80-02". 088S6104 <})0898> Ap revlable 60" 08856105 <372551> ° 469:00 369.00 ctondat epee INSTALLED $470. 6 emcee | MI Lett. or right hand opening, 3" or 36", ceaosPierTTiCOOOIO! <BSeUSII> SAVE $S0 $329. “SOUTHPORT” ALUMINUM STORM Door Reversibie tempered giss hat screen. WNte. 32" or 16" 2 BT". 3968903536 “<AGTESUS2> essed OCTOBER 27TO NOVEMBER 23, 2022 FRIDAY SAVE 11% 351 6°? EVERYDAY 39. ft LOW PRICE was $66 QUARTER ROUND WALL PANEL Premed fiagerjonted pre lecludes 2" to 10° wide beards. rev WOROSCOOOT <9TSSEISS> OFSOENSS <P007%H> 14406 arzaare e996 Sel in 17.8 59. ft. box a METRIE SAVE $15 SAVE $40 179 $199. © was $494 was $239 S-LITE FRENCH DOOR “RIVERSIDE” S-PANEL Sandblasted glass. Clear pine. PRE-HUNG DOOR 20", o933804 <aBeHSI> Primed hardeoaed. Let oF nghthand opening, 2er, e1ans N62 <I> Ato nalite: 32" 69338005 <4ssas2> 199-00 184.00 METRIE $134. : $99 “RIVERSIDE” S-PANEL | TEXTURED 6-PANEL | INTERIOR DOOR SLAB DOOR SLAB Prned hardboard | Haedboard with peime cout 90" of 327, 140438052 | 20r. seaosoer <a3010» <06238/97> | 227% | | | | Abvo awaable “ M) | 32° eesos0e <a30193> mM) METRIE | 272777 105,00 METRIE SAVE $20 SAVE $15 154 144 wos $474 wos S489 “RIVERSIDE” BIFOLD DOOR “UNCOLN PARK™ Prved MOF, BIFOLD DOOR 247, es40sens <aIIH> Primed MOF 24”. CONTSOTS <380635> 786450 ' Ao wealabie ' 30" COITSON <380634> 784479 159-00 144,00 Aso naisbie (4) | 36" corso7 <3t0636> 30” 61405489 <332257> 179-00 159.00 METRIE | TRs480 184-00 169.00 METRIE $124 oe, “ECONOMICAL SERIES" $4 | SLIDING MIRROR DOOR wane White fame = 8455235 <Bsorte> Premed hardboard S embossed pane's. a x00. ONBSSHRE <3S2604> | Ao avaiable 60" x 80.5" 08855336 <a501%> ° Oo 259.00 coteniabsepren aicamaisiaie GET ARONA GIFT CARO WORTH OF THE % VALUE OF YOUR GARAGA GARAGE DOOR PROJECT $332 $20 : $339 6-PANEL STEEL DOOR aun SER Late right hand epeeing was easier 32" or 36". COPESOINITI22S > Soon cman aoe Soon crewer, Backup battery po ant 4357002 ana be Ba Es 155 (ON GARAGE OOOR OPENER seetoraae iiicotie smerns SAVE $70 $369. aoe wos $439 “TRADEWINDS” STORM DOOR Fabien ot mdview Aluminum Tempered glass. White 22° or 34" 81. 30738590082 <AOPESU > SSSIORSESDSD Crome nM cn

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