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Current flyer Co-op Food - Back To School - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 1

Flyer Co-op Food 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

8.80/kg Boneless à BeefEye of Round be Cut from CGnada AA Grade or Higher Ÿ ALES hole Cÿoxac rapped HRST1 tt | : Œ : pmieriss k Vs odi 1. a No. 1 Grade Bx: Lot pa 11b{4549) WA Co-op Boneless Beef Sirloin Grilling Steaks ne by hi cl Bu LUE 1 nn à s Italpasta Artisan Pasta 4509 CA Ÿ Tricolour 7, Peppers WF Greenhouse Grown _ Se” 1 PAUL Produce of Western Canada Package of3 ALE Co-op Centsibles TH 2 Delissio Pizza Pizzeria, Rising or Garlic Crust Large Eggs ED fon Package of 18 499-8889 4 D HIRST2 { L 38 0903 neuve BE. 18 œufs - 2 x mn Oi ses (i DELISSIO D PP, 2 | A Cracker Barrel Cheese 2 FOR ROUITT 820 g or Shreds 620 q + FT: Entrées FIRST3 CRACKER ET TR HRAUAAUON (L: food CO-OP 01 Weëk 37 Medium

Latest flyers

8.80/kg Boneless à BeefEye of Round be Cut from CGnada AA Grade or Higher Ÿ ALES hole Cÿoxac rapped HRST1 tt | : Œ : pmieriss k Vs odi 1. a No. 1 Grade Bx: Lot pa 11b{4549) WA Co-op Boneless Beef Sirloin Grilling Steaks ne by hi cl Bu LUE 1 nn à s Italpasta Artisan Pasta 4509 CA Ÿ Tricolour 7, Peppers WF Greenhouse Grown _ Se” 1 PAUL Produce of Western Canada Package of3 ALE Co-op Centsibles TH 2 Delissio Pizza Pizzeria, Rising or Garlic Crust Large Eggs ED fon Package of 18 499-8889 4 D HIRST2 { L 38 0903 neuve BE. 18 œufs - 2 x mn Oi ses (i DELISSIO D PP, 2 | A Cracker Barrel Cheese 2 FOR ROUITT 820 g or Shreds 620 q + FT: Entrées FIRST3 CRACKER ET TR HRAUAAUON (L: food CO-OP 01 Weëk 37 Medium

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