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Current flyer FreshCo - Valid from 15.09 to 21.09 - Page nb 6

Flyer FreshCo 15.09.2022 - 21.09.2022

Products in this flyer

Dempsters Bagels 6 pk Dempsters Whole Grain Bread 600 g 39-3.49 A c g — 13’ PROTEIN ES LA Buy 2 Compliments cw Shredded Cheese # 226-320 g at 4.99 and Receive 1 Free Natrel Plus Milk 2 L Ae 3 de 1 = = 100 g reg 7.49 woes CHEDDAR nua Café instantané ye 5g589\ om SAVE S2 Lay's Potato Chips 220-235 g or 49 Poppables 130 g, Smartfood 150-220 g reg 3.29-4.29 Croustilles. mais soutfé SAVES General Mills 99 Selected 516-778 ¢ reg 6.49 Cértaes Lantic Granulated Sugar 2 kg or Lantic Icing, Yellow or Brown Sugar 1k Hershey's Chipits 175-250 reg 3.77 Five Roses or Robin Hood All Purpose Flour 2.5 kg Product of Canada reg 6.49 Farine FagleBrang a Maxwell shy Housed Saal pe Eagle Brand SAVE SAVE \ SAVE Condensed Pasta Maxwell House Milk 300 mL. 99 QD merece 3/S OD ase 99 (cae er reg 3.99 reg 2.49 reg 9.99. Canada = = . He rg, ~ ae Pine-Sol Cleaner 1.41 L. Clorox Liquid Bleach 2.4 L reg 4.79-5.49 Nettoyant, eau de Save! Tea GUARANTEED anuities. Ne rainchecks except as aves pital incorporated. Savings olf OES TH Proudly Canadian a Robin Hood 00 Style Pizza

Latest flyers

Dempsters Bagels 6 pk Dempsters Whole Grain Bread 600 g 39-3.49 A c g — 13’ PROTEIN ES LA Buy 2 Compliments cw Shredded Cheese # 226-320 g at 4.99 and Receive 1 Free Natrel Plus Milk 2 L Ae 3 de 1 = = 100 g reg 7.49 woes CHEDDAR nua Café instantané ye 5g589\ om SAVE S2 Lay's Potato Chips 220-235 g or 49 Poppables 130 g, Smartfood 150-220 g reg 3.29-4.29 Croustilles. mais soutfé SAVES General Mills 99 Selected 516-778 ¢ reg 6.49 Cértaes Lantic Granulated Sugar 2 kg or Lantic Icing, Yellow or Brown Sugar 1k Hershey's Chipits 175-250 reg 3.77 Five Roses or Robin Hood All Purpose Flour 2.5 kg Product of Canada reg 6.49 Farine FagleBrang a Maxwell shy Housed Saal pe Eagle Brand SAVE SAVE \ SAVE Condensed Pasta Maxwell House Milk 300 mL. 99 QD merece 3/S OD ase 99 (cae er reg 3.99 reg 2.49 reg 9.99. Canada = = . He rg, ~ ae Pine-Sol Cleaner 1.41 L. Clorox Liquid Bleach 2.4 L reg 4.79-5.49 Nettoyant, eau de Save! Tea GUARANTEED anuities. Ne rainchecks except as aves pital incorporated. Savings olf OES TH Proudly Canadian a Robin Hood 00 Style Pizza

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