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Current flyer Peavey Mart - Valid from 16.09 to 22.09 - Page nb 1

Flyer Peavey Mart 16.09.2022 - 22.09.2022

Products in this flyer

FALL DEALS. YARD CLEANUP FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,:20' 792293399 - Garage Mat Portable 7' 6° x21’ Reg. 279.99 Garage 195192 12x20 x8" Reg, 629.99 132669 Sh fe as Garage Mat 6x18 6 SAVE $60 = ald Reg. 259.99 199.99 eee oe 25% 7 fas Sa Footwear a styles, sizes & colours available. A <corra Sela Ss Sache copes gr pnd toy Whe quod * fKODIAK RY ely SAVE $1 waa ee SAVE S10 SAVE $5 Pesttian 4 a, @ = 3399 S 99 Alfalfa Pellets 4 4 33 (a Eo Ok. PRICE z ‘Minimum ) Harvest Good: Cutoff ie Bs 17% protein f ef ild na Seed Urinary Tract ee 5 = . 227g Cat Food 18kg Harvest Kes Sy a aay ee ee rm cat Aw eT rds, with a hist Ate = Ea esi See eee res" = 240079 paneer n S eid = b vo = ms Povey Contry Rewards cord MESSE = ‘required to ern your free bog, SAVE $70 Mlwaatee 249” “@ See local store for pricing, HARVESTGEAR SAVE 25% 5 849 SAVE $20 49°7-59% BUY 1, GET 1 50% OFF ES he Men’s Poly 4’ 4500 Lumens LED M18™ Brushless ] Cotton Coveralls Linkable Shop Light ' Cordless Drill/ ‘Available in black, navy, Reg. 77.99 Sy lem Driver Kit choreoal & green, 445906 Sizes 34-56, 381-56T Style 761HG. 70097-1064 Reg. 69.99-79.99 spn Reg. 319.99 1012893, Selec SAVE $25 139% Diamond Ranch Panel 10. Square tube horizontal rails, 1.5 @& SAVE $100 — aida 1 479” 27 Ton Log Splitter Includes Log Cradle 196ce Kohler engine ited veers fag. 1579.98 3806277 ey) 7%4 eco) Sioa e 14 gauge round tube end Lprights with continuous flat bar center spokes Reg. 164.99 214345 May requie oxsembl 100% CANADIAN OWNED & OPERATED ey NPS TS SS Ce eT er OU aes

Latest flyers

FALL DEALS. YARD CLEANUP FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 - THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22,:20' 792293399 - Garage Mat Portable 7' 6° x21’ Reg. 279.99 Garage 195192 12x20 x8" Reg, 629.99 132669 Sh fe as Garage Mat 6x18 6 SAVE $60 = ald Reg. 259.99 199.99 eee oe 25% 7 fas Sa Footwear a styles, sizes & colours available. A <corra Sela Ss Sache copes gr pnd toy Whe quod * fKODIAK RY ely SAVE $1 waa ee SAVE S10 SAVE $5 Pesttian 4 a, @ = 3399 S 99 Alfalfa Pellets 4 4 33 (a Eo Ok. PRICE z ‘Minimum ) Harvest Good: Cutoff ie Bs 17% protein f ef ild na Seed Urinary Tract ee 5 = . 227g Cat Food 18kg Harvest Kes Sy a aay ee ee rm cat Aw eT rds, with a hist Ate = Ea esi See eee res" = 240079 paneer n S eid = b vo = ms Povey Contry Rewards cord MESSE = ‘required to ern your free bog, SAVE $70 Mlwaatee 249” “@ See local store for pricing, HARVESTGEAR SAVE 25% 5 849 SAVE $20 49°7-59% BUY 1, GET 1 50% OFF ES he Men’s Poly 4’ 4500 Lumens LED M18™ Brushless ] Cotton Coveralls Linkable Shop Light ' Cordless Drill/ ‘Available in black, navy, Reg. 77.99 Sy lem Driver Kit choreoal & green, 445906 Sizes 34-56, 381-56T Style 761HG. 70097-1064 Reg. 69.99-79.99 spn Reg. 319.99 1012893, Selec SAVE $25 139% Diamond Ranch Panel 10. Square tube horizontal rails, 1.5 @& SAVE $100 — aida 1 479” 27 Ton Log Splitter Includes Log Cradle 196ce Kohler engine ited veers fag. 1579.98 3806277 ey) 7%4 eco) Sioa e 14 gauge round tube end Lprights with continuous flat bar center spokes Reg. 164.99 214345 May requie oxsembl 100% CANADIAN OWNED & OPERATED ey NPS TS SS Ce eT er OU aes

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