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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Valid from 08.09 to 14.09 - Page nb 12

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 08.09.2022 - 14.09.2022

Products in this flyer

FRUIT & VEG NS medi Check the first page for peau re ay PURCHAS! Pe gee Trey Nad e WHEN YOU SPEND $250 OR MORE General Mills back to school variety pack 2:5kg Upto $24.99 Value Buy big, save big versus our regular size packs’. yd | bo kiwi product of Chile, 600g avocado bag 6's, reduce Meio Pet Rr gee eo) a aloe French or Italian bread selected varieties, baked in-store, 450g Et d el TN ts) We’re not all talk. Save me ATi med tL ae Club Size, Ad Match and PP Wille ST ate RUB show us a lower advertised price. prea igs tel Slee Ciclo 7 With personalized offers, optimum. Ce het uti towards free groceries. SPEND & GET 6,000® for every $12" spenton ‘scereal allsizes and varieties Pa eu) Pelee acta le ae LS Ue eee Ue Ce eee ee ee ea ea ee ee eee i iy a CUVEE IEUE Please see in-store or online at for your particular store’s hours. Customer Relations: 1-866-596-RCSS (7277) SUPERSTORE

Latest flyers

FRUIT & VEG NS medi Check the first page for peau re ay PURCHAS! Pe gee Trey Nad e WHEN YOU SPEND $250 OR MORE General Mills back to school variety pack 2:5kg Upto $24.99 Value Buy big, save big versus our regular size packs’. yd | bo kiwi product of Chile, 600g avocado bag 6's, reduce Meio Pet Rr gee eo) a aloe French or Italian bread selected varieties, baked in-store, 450g Et d el TN ts) We’re not all talk. Save me ATi med tL ae Club Size, Ad Match and PP Wille ST ate RUB show us a lower advertised price. prea igs tel Slee Ciclo 7 With personalized offers, optimum. Ce het uti towards free groceries. SPEND & GET 6,000® for every $12" spenton ‘scereal allsizes and varieties Pa eu) Pelee acta le ae LS Ue eee Ue Ce eee ee ee ea ea ee ee eee i iy a CUVEE IEUE Please see in-store or online at for your particular store’s hours. Customer Relations: 1-866-596-RCSS (7277) SUPERSTORE

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