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Current flyer Co-op Food - Valid from 15.09 to 21.09 - Page nb 9

Flyer Co-op Food 15.09.2022 - 21.09.2022

Products in this flyer

€O-OP OS Week: 38 Medium Yoplait Source Yogurt 630 9. Tubes or Minigo 6-8 x 56-60 g or Liberté Méditerranée Yogurt 500 g Yoplait = 7 1H Becel TN Margarine 637-9079 Le one 0 vi DE Activia les og Selected Varieties 8 x 100 g or er mon Danone Danino Drinkable ogurts x93mL Le ne ——|, ss Cracker Barrel Co-op Gold Natural Cheese Sour Cream ï 500 mL or te Cottage Cheese 500 g Co-op Gold Fruit £ au Co-op Gold Entrées Selected Varieties Frozen 500-6009 255g Co-op Gold A0]: Co-op Gold Wong Wing ALE = = Fries or Wedges TN Vegetables Appetizers 99 fer USEPPE Frozen Frozen or Entrées ae - 650q Selected Varieties Frozen 500g 360-545 g Pepsi Products 12x355 mL Dr. Oetker Giuseppe Pizza Frozen 439-785q Lay's Potato Chips 220-235 g or Poppables 130 g = Miss Vickie’s Bubly Potato Chips us 1:25 1 12x355mL Ce Pepsi — FE Products 12 Mars Snacks 7, Nestlé Stand-up Pouch 09 Assorted ÉrRS Chocolate Bars Package of 40 - 70 Liquid or Powder We Enhancers Ocean Spray Cocktail Selected Varieties or 100% Juice Blend 48 mL or Package of 4 - 10 177-1891

Latest flyers

€O-OP OS Week: 38 Medium Yoplait Source Yogurt 630 9. Tubes or Minigo 6-8 x 56-60 g or Liberté Méditerranée Yogurt 500 g Yoplait = 7 1H Becel TN Margarine 637-9079 Le one 0 vi DE Activia les og Selected Varieties 8 x 100 g or er mon Danone Danino Drinkable ogurts x93mL Le ne ——|, ss Cracker Barrel Co-op Gold Natural Cheese Sour Cream ï 500 mL or te Cottage Cheese 500 g Co-op Gold Fruit £ au Co-op Gold Entrées Selected Varieties Frozen 500-6009 255g Co-op Gold A0]: Co-op Gold Wong Wing ALE = = Fries or Wedges TN Vegetables Appetizers 99 fer USEPPE Frozen Frozen or Entrées ae - 650q Selected Varieties Frozen 500g 360-545 g Pepsi Products 12x355 mL Dr. Oetker Giuseppe Pizza Frozen 439-785q Lay's Potato Chips 220-235 g or Poppables 130 g = Miss Vickie’s Bubly Potato Chips us 1:25 1 12x355mL Ce Pepsi — FE Products 12 Mars Snacks 7, Nestlé Stand-up Pouch 09 Assorted ÉrRS Chocolate Bars Package of 40 - 70 Liquid or Powder We Enhancers Ocean Spray Cocktail Selected Varieties or 100% Juice Blend 48 mL or Package of 4 - 10 177-1891

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