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Current flyer The Brick - Valid from 24.12 to 02.01 - Page nb 22

Flyer The Brick 24.12.2024 - 02.01.2025

Products in this flyer

ONLINE EXCLUSIVES DIRECTLY SHIPPED FROM THE VENDOR ‘now ONLY 26" seer Dcoxet oa SAVE $12 STIGA 1-Star 46-Pack Table oO Tennis Balls ~ wow omy i : 2 ea. S | : 338 : = SAVE $137 “ SAVE $15 : =“ Escalade Stiga STIGA Pure Color Premium Conversion Advance Table Tennis Top Table Tennis Racket wax va ‘Ow ONLY 979" SAVE $169 row ony SAVE $9 ATOMIC Azure LED Ligh ‘ftayte™ i wrrenae ee i Sone. 2 ‘NOW ONLY = yp SAVE $99 189° orn SAVE $94 ‘ 499% Blackstone 36" Original SAVE $46 381" Ancona 25" Drop-In eee Omnivore Griddle Ancona 36" Stainless Steel Backsplash mete Workstation Kitchen Sink = fener ess ae F r worour., SAVESIO. ®& ; 7 = ae 199% Westinghouse Infrared ra - Electric Wall-Mounted © Patio Heater iS ry § i. D SAVE $29 tovonr SAVE $29 won SAVE $79 = Westinghouse Infrared 99"* rT eee 249°" GeSemcrtactnar | 249% feuncrewwe EE x hen > er Conccnat der count . pel ai SHIPPING r, a a wow ONLY eee + “ 69" 169% a f sven | SES e Grab & Go+ 8V sem mene = ra Cordless Hand cae Esprests = Stick Vacuum ee : Vacuum cones om ont 1443" SAVE $399 CM 5310 Silence Espresso Machine age ager , As Dacnot eS : - SAVE $19 fi Aner Oricoeet Ater Daceust 2 Broom Cordless SAVE $29 SAVE $19 - rh Vac Stick Whole Home 12 Swan Nordic ry oe VaCUUM comin V Cordless Hand 3.5 L Slow Cooker oO i NOW ONLY 2049" te scout SAVE $549 a CM 6160 Milk Perfection Espresso Machine NOD’) gL we ae ONLINE ONLY! J ONLINE ONLY!

Latest flyers

ONLINE EXCLUSIVES DIRECTLY SHIPPED FROM THE VENDOR ‘now ONLY 26" seer Dcoxet oa SAVE $12 STIGA 1-Star 46-Pack Table oO Tennis Balls ~ wow omy i : 2 ea. S | : 338 : = SAVE $137 “ SAVE $15 : =“ Escalade Stiga STIGA Pure Color Premium Conversion Advance Table Tennis Top Table Tennis Racket wax va ‘Ow ONLY 979" SAVE $169 row ony SAVE $9 ATOMIC Azure LED Ligh ‘ftayte™ i wrrenae ee i Sone. 2 ‘NOW ONLY = yp SAVE $99 189° orn SAVE $94 ‘ 499% Blackstone 36" Original SAVE $46 381" Ancona 25" Drop-In eee Omnivore Griddle Ancona 36" Stainless Steel Backsplash mete Workstation Kitchen Sink = fener ess ae F r worour., SAVESIO. ®& ; 7 = ae 199% Westinghouse Infrared ra - Electric Wall-Mounted © Patio Heater iS ry § i. D SAVE $29 tovonr SAVE $29 won SAVE $79 = Westinghouse Infrared 99"* rT eee 249°" GeSemcrtactnar | 249% feuncrewwe EE x hen > er Conccnat der count . pel ai SHIPPING r, a a wow ONLY eee + “ 69" 169% a f sven | SES e Grab & Go+ 8V sem mene = ra Cordless Hand cae Esprests = Stick Vacuum ee : Vacuum cones om ont 1443" SAVE $399 CM 5310 Silence Espresso Machine age ager , As Dacnot eS : - SAVE $19 fi Aner Oricoeet Ater Daceust 2 Broom Cordless SAVE $29 SAVE $19 - rh Vac Stick Whole Home 12 Swan Nordic ry oe VaCUUM comin V Cordless Hand 3.5 L Slow Cooker oO i NOW ONLY 2049" te scout SAVE $549 a CM 6160 Milk Perfection Espresso Machine NOD’) gL we ae ONLINE ONLY! J ONLINE ONLY!

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