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Current flyer Dominion - Valid from 21.09 to 27.09 - Page nb 3

Flyer Dominion 21.09.2023 - 27.09.2023

Products in this flyer

small vegetable 5 stem platter 934/950 g or sunflowers ialore wade fruit platter 1.17 kg $11 Z prepared fresh fresh pizzas & in-store daily 2201204 EA flatbreads _ from ys = Sanna $15 cach 20079384. EA/20171829. EA ay ws ge ¢ Gq ® SHG | i ea pS Bee 1 T= $6.9 6a ee. Activia Kraft peanut bug Dr. Oetker Se 1200 go reoganecr rane Bee nee sa ae e selected se 25L selected varieties : , selected 20039581001 EA/21285418. EA rozen | 320-410 g varieties ‘20296100001 £A/20296424006 EA 2an2412001_EA/21531664 EA 507 3° f BD 3” Ree Jamieson b- Jamieson a Philadelphia Chapman's Markdale! vitamins or oN cream cheese creamery ice supplements esau 258 | 227/250 g or —— Se 2 or Canadia selected dips 227 g ———"" origina. Collection or varieties se rs selected PHILADELPHIA a Lolly novelties 6-28's_ and sizes varieties en! ads selected varieties froz each asneones€a20s6s2010 2023600 EAON2ISTOON EA 2aMas23 EARIITIN. EA En ka wien you buy 2 when you buy 2 1 = 24 ae! *6 sta 18- ae 27500 ea lee PC* smoked Catelli Smart, Black Diamond) & : PC* hors me 4 oysters 85 a Healthy Harvest cheese bars d'oeuvres or Aylmer ee or Ancient Grains) 400 g, shreds, collection = tomatoes pasta 300-320 g, selected Mi selected = selected sauce tubs 3 varieties varieties <2) cheestrings frozen Magsatill varieties — €. x 540/796 mis es 340/375 g sel rieties, 225-800 g ans EA/z1206006, EA!" BD zozsseioos eA 2052 26s emae an RE esos EAaITESaHEA 99°°. 995 9 = 4 y j PC* Blue Menus BlueWater PC* hot Ls or Skyr bars 400-500 gor —— PC* Cream Fi selected instant coffee or Loads of +} varieties = 600 g or 70-100 g ice cream 1.5 L 4x100 g/500 g McCain Superfries fa selected varieties selected varieties, frozen #1200 Eazwan em pack B zioosio entices €A 58001. £A/2075715703.€A 145-18kg selected varieties, frozen ‘zastonesoos€A,20061230 A TRESemmé Huggies or Pampers PC" of diapers — fall selegtedWanietics) 21071658 A sel 62-180 'S' avesoredTeatarsss6530€a, 20210995. €A sers) asi and varieties 2117003. EA2SOSOI6. FA Quantities and/or selection of tems may be limited and may not be available inal stores, For inguiies on product availablity at your store please contact Customer Relations atthe above phone number No Ranchecks OR Substtton clearance tensor whee uate are advertised as ime. Advertised regular rcing and product selection (tavour, color pattems sya) may vary by store location, We are ot bigated to sl ers based on eos or misprints in typography 0 photography. Pricing: Al reterences to “Save, Was, Now, Savings, ec.” isin comparison to ow own regu prices. Coupons mus be presented and redeemed al ime of purchase, Savings on tems shown may vary in each store location. Applicable taxes, epost, or enironmentalsuscharges are extra, No sales toretaloutets.@/"™ The rademars, service marks and logs played in this yer are ademacs of Labaws nc. and oer. Alright reserve. © 2023 Loblaws Inc MasterCard and the MasterCard Brand Mark ae regstered trademarks and PayPass i a trademark of MasterCard inemational Incrporated. Presents Choice Bank aIcense of marks PC Optimum program is provided by Presient’s Coie Services Inc. resides Chic Financial MasterCard is provide by President's Coie Bank President's Choice Franc personal barking services are provided by the rec anking dono Simpl Financia (@PC, President’ Choice, PC rncial and Presidents Conice nancial ae ats of Loblaws ln. Trademarks used under cence. We reserve the ty requrements PC OPTIMUM MEMBERS ONLY: These otters are ony arable to vaié PC Optimum” program members. Membership i tree. To register as aPC Optmum™ member, see in-store vist We are nt obligated to award pons based on eres oc misprints, No cash value See ofl rogram deta incuting redemption resticions Minmum redemption 10,000 points, These cers canot be combined with ny other coupons, scouts or promotions and no ausiments on previous purchases We reserve to mayor cance these ofers without note, Product raaity may vary by store. While supliskast. We reserve the night ot quantities. “Receive the pints Specified when you spe amount en the payed patcipatng products) andr categryes) before taxes andar redemption an al coupons and cscounts ae deducted in a sing ansaction; Vaid for yer ciation, afer nich te price wil be the same for both PC Optimum onthe purchase amount afer dscounts PC Optimum member pic is nat applicable to any price match program fr participating stores operating unde the Lola DA BACK

small vegetable 5 stem platter 934/950 g or sunflowers ialore wade fruit platter 1.17 kg $11 Z prepared fresh fresh pizzas & in-store daily 2201204 EA flatbreads _ from ys = Sanna $15 cach 20079384. EA/20171829. EA ay ws ge ¢ Gq ® SHG | i ea pS Bee 1 T= $6.9 6a ee. Activia Kraft peanut bug Dr. Oetker Se 1200 go reoganecr rane Bee nee sa ae e selected se 25L selected varieties : , selected 20039581001 EA/21285418. EA rozen | 320-410 g varieties ‘20296100001 £A/20296424006 EA 2an2412001_EA/21531664 EA 507 3° f BD 3” Ree Jamieson b- Jamieson a Philadelphia Chapman's Markdale! vitamins or oN cream cheese creamery ice supplements esau 258 | 227/250 g or —— Se 2 or Canadia selected dips 227 g ———"" origina. Collection or varieties se rs selected PHILADELPHIA a Lolly novelties 6-28's_ and sizes varieties en! ads selected varieties froz each asneones€a20s6s2010 2023600 EAON2ISTOON EA 2aMas23 EARIITIN. EA En ka wien you buy 2 when you buy 2 1 = 24 ae! *6 sta 18- ae 27500 ea lee PC* smoked Catelli Smart, Black Diamond) & : PC* hors me 4 oysters 85 a Healthy Harvest cheese bars d'oeuvres or Aylmer ee or Ancient Grains) 400 g, shreds, collection = tomatoes pasta 300-320 g, selected Mi selected = selected sauce tubs 3 varieties varieties <2) cheestrings frozen Magsatill varieties — €. x 540/796 mis es 340/375 g sel rieties, 225-800 g ans EA/z1206006, EA!" BD zozsseioos eA 2052 26s emae an RE esos EAaITESaHEA 99°°. 995 9 = 4 y j PC* Blue Menus BlueWater PC* hot Ls or Skyr bars 400-500 gor —— PC* Cream Fi selected instant coffee or Loads of +} varieties = 600 g or 70-100 g ice cream 1.5 L 4x100 g/500 g McCain Superfries fa selected varieties selected varieties, frozen #1200 Eazwan em pack B zioosio entices €A 58001. £A/2075715703.€A 145-18kg selected varieties, frozen ‘zastonesoos€A,20061230 A TRESemmé Huggies or Pampers PC" of diapers — fall selegtedWanietics) 21071658 A sel 62-180 'S' avesoredTeatarsss6530€a, 20210995. €A sers) asi and varieties 2117003. EA2SOSOI6. FA Quantities and/or selection of tems may be limited and may not be available inal stores, For inguiies on product availablity at your store please contact Customer Relations atthe above phone number No Ranchecks OR Substtton clearance tensor whee uate are advertised as ime. Advertised regular rcing and product selection (tavour, color pattems sya) may vary by store location, We are ot bigated to sl ers based on eos or misprints in typography 0 photography. Pricing: Al reterences to “Save, Was, Now, Savings, ec.” isin comparison to ow own regu prices. Coupons mus be presented and redeemed al ime of purchase, Savings on tems shown may vary in each store location. Applicable taxes, epost, or enironmentalsuscharges are extra, No sales toretaloutets.@/"™ The rademars, service marks and logs played in this yer are ademacs of Labaws nc. and oer. Alright reserve. © 2023 Loblaws Inc MasterCard and the MasterCard Brand Mark ae regstered trademarks and PayPass i a trademark of MasterCard inemational Incrporated. Presents Choice Bank aIcense of marks PC Optimum program is provided by Presient’s Coie Services Inc. resides Chic Financial MasterCard is provide by President's Coie Bank President's Choice Franc personal barking services are provided by the rec anking dono Simpl Financia (@PC, President’ Choice, PC rncial and Presidents Conice nancial ae ats of Loblaws ln. Trademarks used under cence. We reserve the ty requrements PC OPTIMUM MEMBERS ONLY: These otters are ony arable to vaié PC Optimum” program members. Membership i tree. To register as aPC Optmum™ member, see in-store vist We are nt obligated to award pons based on eres oc misprints, No cash value See ofl rogram deta incuting redemption resticions Minmum redemption 10,000 points, These cers canot be combined with ny other coupons, scouts or promotions and no ausiments on previous purchases We reserve to mayor cance these ofers without note, Product raaity may vary by store. While supliskast. We reserve the night ot quantities. “Receive the pints Specified when you spe amount en the payed patcipatng products) andr categryes) before taxes andar redemption an al coupons and cscounts ae deducted in a sing ansaction; Vaid for yer ciation, afer nich te price wil be the same for both PC Optimum onthe purchase amount afer dscounts PC Optimum member pic is nat applicable to any price match program fr participating stores operating unde the Lola DA BACK

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