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Current flyer Foodland - Valid from 19.01 to 25.01 - Page nb 8

Flyer Foodland 19.01.2023 - 25.01.2023

Products in this flyer

at when you buy 3 3/999 260 g-1hg aie PAM Cooking Sprays 113-170 g selected varieties NABOB Roast & Ground Coffee 300 g. MAXWELL HOUSE Tassimo T DISCS 14-16 pk or Single Serve Pods 12 pk SED Ores | 3°? 3/ $5 TIDE Liquid Pods ‘or Power Pods or GAIN Flings! 25-42 pk 599 COMPLIMENTS Instant Oatmeal or Quick Oats C> ES COMPLIMENTS, Baking Nuts 100 g *See in store for pricing 1299 COMPLIMENTS Honey 750 g-1 kg HEINZ Ketchup 750 mL-1L or KRAFT Miracle Whip or Mayonnaise 650-890 mL 499 SPAM Luncheon Meat 340 g oes KRAFT Dinner a Macaroni & Cheese SF need 156-225 g or Cheese Snack Cups 58g BEN’S ORIGINAL Converted Rice 16-2 kg Poe] ea Pn ord 2s$7 > oe. RESOLVE SUNLIGHT Spray ‘n Wash Dish Soap 946 mL-1SL 800 mL ZIPLOC Freezer oF Storage Bags 10-90 pk or Containers selected sizes 599 GREENIES Dental Cat Treats 60 g 499 1999 EARN REWARDS FASTER IAMS Perfect COMPLIMENTS 4 iy: Portions Wet Automatic Cat Food 75 g Dishwasher Pods or CESAR Wet 20-25 pk Dog Food 100 g oe <a DOVE Hair Care 49 98-355 mL or NUTRO Body Wash Dry Dog Food 227 kg Coe | Px without 1399 Stones, COMPLIMENTS Canola ford OSL fe ~~ syrup VL 2 DOLE Pineapple 398 mi. without Sceno+ ALCAN Foil 100 ft LYSOL Disinfecting Wipes 75-84 pk MEOW MIX Dry Cat Food 136-2 kg Qe HUGGIES Giga Pack Pull-Ups 2T-5T 46-74 pk or GOODNITES 28-44 pk ec : WITH 10,000 BONUS POINTS frst year withthe Scotiabank Scene*™Visa* card 5 Earn up to 10,000 bonus Scene+ points within your

at when you buy 3 3/999 260 g-1hg aie PAM Cooking Sprays 113-170 g selected varieties NABOB Roast & Ground Coffee 300 g. MAXWELL HOUSE Tassimo T DISCS 14-16 pk or Single Serve Pods 12 pk SED Ores | 3°? 3/ $5 TIDE Liquid Pods ‘or Power Pods or GAIN Flings! 25-42 pk 599 COMPLIMENTS Instant Oatmeal or Quick Oats C> ES COMPLIMENTS, Baking Nuts 100 g *See in store for pricing 1299 COMPLIMENTS Honey 750 g-1 kg HEINZ Ketchup 750 mL-1L or KRAFT Miracle Whip or Mayonnaise 650-890 mL 499 SPAM Luncheon Meat 340 g oes KRAFT Dinner a Macaroni & Cheese SF need 156-225 g or Cheese Snack Cups 58g BEN’S ORIGINAL Converted Rice 16-2 kg Poe] ea Pn ord 2s$7 > oe. RESOLVE SUNLIGHT Spray ‘n Wash Dish Soap 946 mL-1SL 800 mL ZIPLOC Freezer oF Storage Bags 10-90 pk or Containers selected sizes 599 GREENIES Dental Cat Treats 60 g 499 1999 EARN REWARDS FASTER IAMS Perfect COMPLIMENTS 4 iy: Portions Wet Automatic Cat Food 75 g Dishwasher Pods or CESAR Wet 20-25 pk Dog Food 100 g oe <a DOVE Hair Care 49 98-355 mL or NUTRO Body Wash Dry Dog Food 227 kg Coe | Px without 1399 Stones, COMPLIMENTS Canola ford OSL fe ~~ syrup VL 2 DOLE Pineapple 398 mi. without Sceno+ ALCAN Foil 100 ft LYSOL Disinfecting Wipes 75-84 pk MEOW MIX Dry Cat Food 136-2 kg Qe HUGGIES Giga Pack Pull-Ups 2T-5T 46-74 pk or GOODNITES 28-44 pk ec : WITH 10,000 BONUS POINTS frst year withthe Scotiabank Scene*™Visa* card 5 Earn up to 10,000 bonus Scene+ points within your

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