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Current flyer Foodland - Valid from 03.11 to 09.11 - Page nb 9

Flyer Foodland 03.11.2022 - 09.11.2022

Products in this flyer

Pork Tenderloin e 1S41/kg 3 Mo COMPLIMENTS, Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts 19.82/kg Stuffed Pork Tenderloin 18.72/kg Me rt PTs 2 tie | 49 STERLING SILVER 1 04 Honey Garlic Boneless Cross Rib Roasts cut from Skinless Chicken COMPLIMENTS Ground Chicken or Canada AAA grade beef Breasts 23.13/kg Turkey 450 g 1761/kg Pore ee) ed Boneless Ham Slices ks Turkey Strips . COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS 99 O”D kitty cooked Q”D bone-in tam COMPLIMENTS Beet, Chicken o Steaks or Wieners a yes ne Sy ; 99 A |) 99 99 99 (uae = OMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS Boxed & Breaded COMPLIMENTS Lasagna or Beef or Chicken Poultry selecte Bacon 2 Mac N'Cheese Meat Pies 660 p arioti¢ 7 C m wi! a ae pas COMPLIMENTS, 879 omnes 999 | cueuil 799 eens Lobster Meat Smoked Salmon Bay Scallops :- 200 Fs when you buy 2 PANACHE J Soups selected [ETiwere varieties | 650 mt COMPLIMENTS Cooked, Smoked or Cajun Chicken Selection varies by store .@ aa ~ tks Gore a, SA eaeie 99 COMPLIMENTS. 29 (og MASTRO Salami Sliced Cheese assorted varieties 440g Wrap Sandwiches 255-370 g 5 99 pire Puff Pastry Chicken or 5 49 skh" COMPLIMENTS Stuffed Sara" Beef Pot Pie 210 g ec a JOIN SCENE+ TODAY. (22223.225i23er | 3 S25°" Chicken Cutlettes 284

Latest flyers

Pork Tenderloin e 1S41/kg 3 Mo COMPLIMENTS, Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts 19.82/kg Stuffed Pork Tenderloin 18.72/kg Me rt PTs 2 tie | 49 STERLING SILVER 1 04 Honey Garlic Boneless Cross Rib Roasts cut from Skinless Chicken COMPLIMENTS Ground Chicken or Canada AAA grade beef Breasts 23.13/kg Turkey 450 g 1761/kg Pore ee) ed Boneless Ham Slices ks Turkey Strips . COMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS 99 O”D kitty cooked Q”D bone-in tam COMPLIMENTS Beet, Chicken o Steaks or Wieners a yes ne Sy ; 99 A |) 99 99 99 (uae = OMPLIMENTS COMPLIMENTS Boxed & Breaded COMPLIMENTS Lasagna or Beef or Chicken Poultry selecte Bacon 2 Mac N'Cheese Meat Pies 660 p arioti¢ 7 C m wi! a ae pas COMPLIMENTS, 879 omnes 999 | cueuil 799 eens Lobster Meat Smoked Salmon Bay Scallops :- 200 Fs when you buy 2 PANACHE J Soups selected [ETiwere varieties | 650 mt COMPLIMENTS Cooked, Smoked or Cajun Chicken Selection varies by store .@ aa ~ tks Gore a, SA eaeie 99 COMPLIMENTS. 29 (og MASTRO Salami Sliced Cheese assorted varieties 440g Wrap Sandwiches 255-370 g 5 99 pire Puff Pastry Chicken or 5 49 skh" COMPLIMENTS Stuffed Sara" Beef Pot Pie 210 g ec a JOIN SCENE+ TODAY. (22223.225i23er | 3 S25°" Chicken Cutlettes 284

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