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Current flyer FreshCo - Black Friday - Valid from 24.11 to 30.11 - Page nb 2

Flyer FreshCo 24.11.2022 - 30.11.2022

Products in this flyer

WIN GROCERIES FOR A YEAR T weekly prize available! Every scan of your registered* Scene+ card enters you to win at any FreshCo, Chalo! FreshCo, Sobeys, Foodland, or online with Voila by Sobeys Learn more at *A Scene card is registered once it is connected to a completed Scene profile. To register your card, visit NO PURCHASE NECESSARY, Full Contest Rules ond no purchase entry method found ot sobeys com/sceneplus/ swipecontest. Contest runs from November 3, 2022 to December 14, 2022 at 1159 pm EST. consisting of six (6) Weekly Contest Periods. Open to legal residents of Onterio who have reached the oge of majority on the date they enter the Contest. Purchase any product(s) at any Sobeys, Foodiand, FreshCo, Chalo! FreshCo, Urbon Fresh of online with Voila by Sobeys* ‘and swipe or scan your Registered Scene+ card to receive one (1) contest entry. subject to verification and votidation To receive an entry for purchaies mode though Vaild, Scenes cord must be regatered to your Volld account prior to order delivery, and delivery must be completed within Contest Period to quality. See Full Contest Rules for product exctusions. Uigible [ntries for each Weekly Prize are only valid during the Welty Contest Period in which the entry is made. There are six (8) Prizes to be won, one (1) Weekly Prize per Weekly Contest Period. Each Prize consist of groceries for a year payable in Sobeys git cards (ARV $14,000 CAD). The prizes have 10 equivalent cash value, ore non-transterrable ond no substitutions will be made. Correctly answered skill testing question required. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received *For the purposes of this Contest, Thunder Bay FreshCo shall be exctuded.

Latest flyers

WIN GROCERIES FOR A YEAR T weekly prize available! Every scan of your registered* Scene+ card enters you to win at any FreshCo, Chalo! FreshCo, Sobeys, Foodland, or online with Voila by Sobeys Learn more at *A Scene card is registered once it is connected to a completed Scene profile. To register your card, visit NO PURCHASE NECESSARY, Full Contest Rules ond no purchase entry method found ot sobeys com/sceneplus/ swipecontest. Contest runs from November 3, 2022 to December 14, 2022 at 1159 pm EST. consisting of six (6) Weekly Contest Periods. Open to legal residents of Onterio who have reached the oge of majority on the date they enter the Contest. Purchase any product(s) at any Sobeys, Foodiand, FreshCo, Chalo! FreshCo, Urbon Fresh of online with Voila by Sobeys* ‘and swipe or scan your Registered Scene+ card to receive one (1) contest entry. subject to verification and votidation To receive an entry for purchaies mode though Vaild, Scenes cord must be regatered to your Volld account prior to order delivery, and delivery must be completed within Contest Period to quality. See Full Contest Rules for product exctusions. Uigible [ntries for each Weekly Prize are only valid during the Welty Contest Period in which the entry is made. There are six (8) Prizes to be won, one (1) Weekly Prize per Weekly Contest Period. Each Prize consist of groceries for a year payable in Sobeys git cards (ARV $14,000 CAD). The prizes have 10 equivalent cash value, ore non-transterrable ond no substitutions will be made. Correctly answered skill testing question required. Odds of winning depend on the number of eligible entries received *For the purposes of this Contest, Thunder Bay FreshCo shall be exctuded.

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