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Current flyer London Drugs - Back To School - Valid from 26.08 to 31.08 - Page nb 6

Flyer London Drugs 26.08.2022 - 31.08.2022

Products in this flyer

30-DAY PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE ™% Coan Galanz 119” Ee Galanz 1.3 cu. ft. Micros = Hurt sensor cooking ng king pees, and 30-secon¢ sGSWWORSISTIE willz Uh yeg SAVE 20 Willz.7 cu. ft. Microwave + TOW microwave oven features TOpower levels to cooka variety of food Avalableinblackor white #WLCMD207 11 ca. ft. #WLCMDICTT $99.99 each | SAVE $20 Galanz Ea 199” Galanz 3.1 cu. ft. Upright Freezer + Spe saving sini forparinets or other small areas Energy tarrated,#GL31FWEE = 229° brs .5 cu. ft. Chest Freezer sy acs defast dain makes mamntenance simple and ecient. #RFRF350/438 Hamitton Beach, yA a0) eal - Hamilton Beach 11 cu. ft. Upright Freezer + Features an easy gas dot handle and lear plastic drawer compart «Space saving sh-back desig or ay placement #HBFRFTIOO (Contents not included) 499° RCAPortable Dishwasher Low water sumption + Holds up t08 place settings steel tub interior ROWI809 FRIGIDAIRE 49 Frigidaire Retro Mini Fridge +6-can elto min beverage refrigerator foron-the-go,at home, orat work + ACor DC power to keep your beverages cool at home or in a vehicle. #EFMIST21REDR FRIGIDAIRE a 139” | Frigidaire 1.6 cu. ft Fi ernest et as willook gratin any room «Perfect forthe office, garage, orjust about anywhere space isan'ssue #FR82 329% Marshall 3.2 cu. ft. Bar Fridge + Tarcticblue LED duster lights r 34°F 48°F + Replaceable light bulb + Matte blackish inside and outside). #MF32BLKNA Anepot.orindd 4 items If you find a lower advertised price after you match that price for up to 30 days. Pore Frigid 1 Ice Maker hin "stainless steel ice maker and crusher with water dispenser + Choose from smal orlarge cube staes *Makesieinasitleas 10-13 minor 31D in 24 hours #EFIC245-SS « € 34922 Frigidaire 7.5 cu. ft. Fridge + Space saving upightreto desan is ideal for apartments and smal areas ftorthe right side Available in platinum or mint, $EFR753 Pg7

30-DAY PRICE MATCH GUARANTEE ™% Coan Galanz 119” Ee Galanz 1.3 cu. ft. Micros = Hurt sensor cooking ng king pees, and 30-secon¢ sGSWWORSISTIE willz Uh yeg SAVE 20 Willz.7 cu. ft. Microwave + TOW microwave oven features TOpower levels to cooka variety of food Avalableinblackor white #WLCMD207 11 ca. ft. #WLCMDICTT $99.99 each | SAVE $20 Galanz Ea 199” Galanz 3.1 cu. ft. Upright Freezer + Spe saving sini forparinets or other small areas Energy tarrated,#GL31FWEE = 229° brs .5 cu. ft. Chest Freezer sy acs defast dain makes mamntenance simple and ecient. #RFRF350/438 Hamitton Beach, yA a0) eal - Hamilton Beach 11 cu. ft. Upright Freezer + Features an easy gas dot handle and lear plastic drawer compart «Space saving sh-back desig or ay placement #HBFRFTIOO (Contents not included) 499° RCAPortable Dishwasher Low water sumption + Holds up t08 place settings steel tub interior ROWI809 FRIGIDAIRE 49 Frigidaire Retro Mini Fridge +6-can elto min beverage refrigerator foron-the-go,at home, orat work + ACor DC power to keep your beverages cool at home or in a vehicle. #EFMIST21REDR FRIGIDAIRE a 139” | Frigidaire 1.6 cu. ft Fi ernest et as willook gratin any room «Perfect forthe office, garage, orjust about anywhere space isan'ssue #FR82 329% Marshall 3.2 cu. ft. Bar Fridge + Tarcticblue LED duster lights r 34°F 48°F + Replaceable light bulb + Matte blackish inside and outside). #MF32BLKNA Anepot.orindd 4 items If you find a lower advertised price after you match that price for up to 30 days. Pore Frigid 1 Ice Maker hin "stainless steel ice maker and crusher with water dispenser + Choose from smal orlarge cube staes *Makesieinasitleas 10-13 minor 31D in 24 hours #EFIC245-SS « € 34922 Frigidaire 7.5 cu. ft. Fridge + Space saving upightreto desan is ideal for apartments and smal areas ftorthe right side Available in platinum or mint, $EFR753 Pg7

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