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Current flyer Real Canadian Superstore - Thanksgiving Day - Valid from 06.10 to 12.10 - Page nb 2

Flyer Real Canadian Superstore 06.10.2022 - 12.10.2022

Products in this flyer

FRUIT & VEG Plea batt We’re not all talk. Save % AV E me ATi med tL ae Club Size, Ad Match and fs re) a PP Wille ST ate RUB show us a lower advertised price. prea igs tel Slee Ciclo Check the first page for 7 Mer lee Cru er) optimum. Che ured PURCHAS! Ca ust ee rho ce Rit S: elect oe SPEND & GET - al Perit 4,000® Fagen for every S10 spenton a air varieties and sizes or: ‘Club Pack®, 1.81 kg, frozen Upto $24.99 Value Buy big, save big versus our A " 5 Bo aur Bulli) Si ZE ee 0 ester ded aso Ser Farmer's Market” navel oranges product of South Africa, 5 lo ons ta ea akg eee) wh) 5 ET TCA tee cream cheese selected varieties, 227-2509 Bree Prices and offers effective from Thursday, October 6th to Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 unless otherwise stated. i iy a CUVEE IEUE eet ee er ee sce a eer eee eg een cece eee) SUPERSTORE

Latest flyers

FRUIT & VEG Plea batt We’re not all talk. Save % AV E me ATi med tL ae Club Size, Ad Match and fs re) a PP Wille ST ate RUB show us a lower advertised price. prea igs tel Slee Ciclo Check the first page for 7 Mer lee Cru er) optimum. Che ured PURCHAS! Ca ust ee rho ce Rit S: elect oe SPEND & GET - al Perit 4,000® Fagen for every S10 spenton a air varieties and sizes or: ‘Club Pack®, 1.81 kg, frozen Upto $24.99 Value Buy big, save big versus our A " 5 Bo aur Bulli) Si ZE ee 0 ester ded aso Ser Farmer's Market” navel oranges product of South Africa, 5 lo ons ta ea akg eee) wh) 5 ET TCA tee cream cheese selected varieties, 227-2509 Bree Prices and offers effective from Thursday, October 6th to Wednesday, October 12th, 2022 unless otherwise stated. i iy a CUVEE IEUE eet ee er ee sce a eer eee eg een cece eee) SUPERSTORE

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