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Current flyer Sobeys - Diwali - Valid from 20.10 to 26.10 - Page nb 10

Flyer Sobeys 20.10.2022 - 26.10.2022

Products in this flyer

SeaToo @ Oven-ready? 9 =: and convenient seafood solutions, FRESHLY a PREPARED prepared in-store. & READY TO COOK Argentinian Shrimp or Icelandic Cod or Haddock 340 g 11? GREEN OCEAN WILD p Mushroom Caps : Garlic Shrimp Griller_ COMPLIMENTS NATURALLY SIMPLE Wild ‘Shrimp, epreviousy frozen | r Pink Salmon Fillets 908 g Spi < : fe; } ise é SEA CUISINE Teriyaki Sesame or 99 99 Q Honey Chipotie Pink Salmon or TOPPITS Gluten-Free Breaded Haddock, Cod 7 COMPLIMENTS Cooked Shrimp 9 Potato & Herb Crusted Cod or Sole 400 g or Battered Shrimp 340 ¢ or Bay Scallops 340 g frozen 247-298 g : : ot) ret Ce uns Pu ae PT Meets ae ee tr tn ade Seen stee hay a 6 99 eee ro had CW cence Oia hs 379 FONTAINE SAI Hummus 250 Try our Spooky a Halloween Pizzas! COMPLIMENTS Salads selected 850-908 g $] RESER'S Main Street Bistro of ff Side Dishes 482-680 g = = Sat Bonus Miles ie ( —_ rien ents : . coco en en . Streets] $ OLIVIER! Pasta or Sauce S40-700 ¢ off or 600 mL Cet tn sg FREE A ed eae cer kee co Ce et ty Te eas ena s PBA aL ort a7 Nie) ere Ret get cepts)

Latest flyers

SeaToo @ Oven-ready? 9 =: and convenient seafood solutions, FRESHLY a PREPARED prepared in-store. & READY TO COOK Argentinian Shrimp or Icelandic Cod or Haddock 340 g 11? GREEN OCEAN WILD p Mushroom Caps : Garlic Shrimp Griller_ COMPLIMENTS NATURALLY SIMPLE Wild ‘Shrimp, epreviousy frozen | r Pink Salmon Fillets 908 g Spi < : fe; } ise é SEA CUISINE Teriyaki Sesame or 99 99 Q Honey Chipotie Pink Salmon or TOPPITS Gluten-Free Breaded Haddock, Cod 7 COMPLIMENTS Cooked Shrimp 9 Potato & Herb Crusted Cod or Sole 400 g or Battered Shrimp 340 ¢ or Bay Scallops 340 g frozen 247-298 g : : ot) ret Ce uns Pu ae PT Meets ae ee tr tn ade Seen stee hay a 6 99 eee ro had CW cence Oia hs 379 FONTAINE SAI Hummus 250 Try our Spooky a Halloween Pizzas! COMPLIMENTS Salads selected 850-908 g $] RESER'S Main Street Bistro of ff Side Dishes 482-680 g = = Sat Bonus Miles ie ( —_ rien ents : . coco en en . Streets] $ OLIVIER! Pasta or Sauce S40-700 ¢ off or 600 mL Cet tn sg FREE A ed eae cer kee co Ce et ty Te eas ena s PBA aL ort a7 Nie) ere Ret get cepts)

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