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Current flyer Coppa's Fresh Market - Valid from 01.02 to 07.02 - Page nb 2

Flyer Coppa's Fresh Market 01.02.2023 - 07.02.2023

Products in this flyer

Si 1, 2/5°° 3,28Ikg int Fresh Carrots or Onions, Product of Ontario, No. 1 Fresh Roma Tomatoes, Product of Mexico, No. 1 Fresh Red Grape Tomatoes, Product of USA Grade Grade French Beans Haricots 2 99 Nb 4009 pkg 6.59/kg 3.28/kg Fresh Red Globe Grapes, Product of Peru, No. 1 Fresh Seedless Navel Oranges, Product of USA Fresh French Beans, Product of Mexico, No. 1 Grade Medium Size Grade X each 283g pkg Fresh Classic Brand Salads Baby Spring Mix or Fresh Sweet, Regular Mangoes, Product of Brazil Fresh Canary Melons, Product of Brazil Baby Spinach, Product of USA

Latest flyers

Si 1, 2/5°° 3,28Ikg int Fresh Carrots or Onions, Product of Ontario, No. 1 Fresh Roma Tomatoes, Product of Mexico, No. 1 Fresh Red Grape Tomatoes, Product of USA Grade Grade French Beans Haricots 2 99 Nb 4009 pkg 6.59/kg 3.28/kg Fresh Red Globe Grapes, Product of Peru, No. 1 Fresh Seedless Navel Oranges, Product of USA Fresh French Beans, Product of Mexico, No. 1 Grade Medium Size Grade X each 283g pkg Fresh Classic Brand Salads Baby Spring Mix or Fresh Sweet, Regular Mangoes, Product of Brazil Fresh Canary Melons, Product of Brazil Baby Spinach, Product of USA

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