Products in this flyer
sree |S “Independent digital flyer chicken breas' y skinless bone@=in oF split chicken wings = family size ad 7 ; L.00/kg striploin grilling steak 20088906_KG/20761916, KG. Se. «i boneless, family size cut from Canada AA L grade beef or higher a 1.7 8/k; Ps “aa —— 20821010 = os ;: kiback ribs ‘Ciyowde pkg 2's B.B0/kg ‘20821141_KG sockeye salmon fillets " family size, previously frozen 33.05/kg 20000267. KG product of Peru, Chile or South Af TES when you buy 2 tess than 2 = Sea a Haagen Dare ee — ' 30 piece wings and Nestlé Drumstick . no name® cheese wedges bucket 4's, Hagen-Dazs J bars 700 g or 1.2-2.12 kg 414-450 mL or PC' cheese ‘21SHNET2_ EA/21S41877 EAN shreds 620 ¢ oo $ selected varieties ___- alee ~~ frozen 2ea7se73_EA/26NIT7_E x os By zeazzx00er mgussh \ w Snel . 7 Ve ba BY” = TH} So or ort, ca: : Te, 7 aa ‘ vensensers ) Men sembers BT en stensers | a 14°? | ad 127° a 11”) JS ) J Ferrero Rocher PC* or Blue Menu® Purex bathroom tissue or Collection teria meat or vegetable mb 8=16 rolls or Scotties selected varieties v8 lasagna or mac & ote facial tissue 6’ ST le selected varieties. — t ‘2031687 _EAZIBA0SI0_EA 16's SE (20052752 EA20726799_ EA cheese entrées EXTRA ‘= Pies ° wai QS . =F. * == Royale Tiger Betty Crocker Towel paper Dunkaroos towel = selected varieties 326 rolls } 168 g zuaea7ez EA ‘Theat EAIZINASENS EA eced PC Oftimars” member lo get thi lf. for details, une in-store fee cabal. 4s fompored ta other major geeceryseeilrs itn yaelecl eves. °° Must be a re Voli fee February Ist 24,2004, While qeanttes lex. See in-store Flyer prices effective from Thursday, February 8th to Wednesday, February 14th, 2024. SEE BACK PAGE FOR DETAILS. Available at the following Your Independent Grocer location: Whitehorse YIG #5-303 Ogilvie Street, Whitehorse. wwt
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