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Current flyer T&T Supermarket - Valid from 19.08 to 25.08 - Page nb 2

Flyer T&T Supermarket 19.08.2022 - 25.08.2022

Products in this flyer

B49 Wg Pape yo20 rm o =I 3 . 2 Sa j / = 7 a aro, Et La Melon . Donut Peach = sat . ‘ib a ‘hb fb aoe 4.39Ikg USA 8.80/kg China 13.21Ikg 2 co} J 2 ig = zZ Py = e a ZB om 8 =? : i La et aioe = Frozen Black Tiger Shrimp SRARE RR a Pk 400g,26/30 ee 400g or t ah | Ry rome hd Lat J Chicken Wingelte emma 0 vk ee zich me Rs J X a g Fresh Beef Shank aa re Seat ea REBEL sak, HR RORRE Las a 100% Jumbo sank A Shrimp Wonton. ms T&T Fish Balls "Seton ABARES Vefa Frozen Durian b KRENARL pee Pk 6.48 /Ea 250g a Veta ae Sie 500g , MSJ Glutinous T&T Pork Luncheon weg es sis io se Ping a KEBFEA ac x g~ fed, ARTE RR EE! en 340g ea 410m a : Tung Fung Medallion \ : werug Organic Noodle agelias y B Mik Powder apes © oS 4 Wei Long Konic ingen wate Buckwheat Noo Yuangi Senin — (Whole'Skim) as A (Spicy/Sour Spicy) WE Beate Sparking Waterss a RS = ‘ine wee Pd TRAMRIK S ‘ca (PPB/BERE) b vex bsg, (RIEL) 908g 330mIx6 500g "® 48gx20 a oa a sa <s = Panasonic Nanoe| ( Hair Dryer! Ionic’ ol» ee al Shiseido Perfect Facial Steamer Z Condensed Mik (ae RYE Sweet Russian Bread) Facial Wash BTM Bread/Purple Wheat "maya Seaweed Pork wee ‘ HRS) ¥ WaWalnut Bread ou Fls. Russian Bread ret ee MAREE 7 3 ea peda) ka AER / © 120g EHNA67/EHSAS1 S REARAD SSABERA OSPR. « Sikes = Aas Peach iCocoa’ ay Flavor Sticky Rice Dumpling Pan-Fried Seared Yuzu Scallop Roll Bt Pork Bun(Raw) RMAF BFS rox BEAK rox SaWeIZTR ER f ERE) 250g 500g 2509x2 or 4.50 /Ea 540g ‘Customer Service Hotline: uae secon of tem mye ie sd yl be Not yet a member? Fmare > RBeR Follow us on BER SRES REREAD ‘Sete pe pent ste yo es Spa 1-866-868-5678 ——— ose Aw TT FA vomon El cuter rierpitt eres ene ESHARe A a ‘ ‘pot Teper TTSipematet ee on

Latest flyers

B49 Wg Pape yo20 rm o =I 3 . 2 Sa j / = 7 a aro, Et La Melon . Donut Peach = sat . ‘ib a ‘hb fb aoe 4.39Ikg USA 8.80/kg China 13.21Ikg 2 co} J 2 ig = zZ Py = e a ZB om 8 =? : i La et aioe = Frozen Black Tiger Shrimp SRARE RR a Pk 400g,26/30 ee 400g or t ah | Ry rome hd Lat J Chicken Wingelte emma 0 vk ee zich me Rs J X a g Fresh Beef Shank aa re Seat ea REBEL sak, HR RORRE Las a 100% Jumbo sank A Shrimp Wonton. ms T&T Fish Balls "Seton ABARES Vefa Frozen Durian b KRENARL pee Pk 6.48 /Ea 250g a Veta ae Sie 500g , MSJ Glutinous T&T Pork Luncheon weg es sis io se Ping a KEBFEA ac x g~ fed, ARTE RR EE! en 340g ea 410m a : Tung Fung Medallion \ : werug Organic Noodle agelias y B Mik Powder apes © oS 4 Wei Long Konic ingen wate Buckwheat Noo Yuangi Senin — (Whole'Skim) as A (Spicy/Sour Spicy) WE Beate Sparking Waterss a RS = ‘ine wee Pd TRAMRIK S ‘ca (PPB/BERE) b vex bsg, (RIEL) 908g 330mIx6 500g "® 48gx20 a oa a sa <s = Panasonic Nanoe| ( Hair Dryer! Ionic’ ol» ee al Shiseido Perfect Facial Steamer Z Condensed Mik (ae RYE Sweet Russian Bread) Facial Wash BTM Bread/Purple Wheat "maya Seaweed Pork wee ‘ HRS) ¥ WaWalnut Bread ou Fls. Russian Bread ret ee MAREE 7 3 ea peda) ka AER / © 120g EHNA67/EHSAS1 S REARAD SSABERA OSPR. « Sikes = Aas Peach iCocoa’ ay Flavor Sticky Rice Dumpling Pan-Fried Seared Yuzu Scallop Roll Bt Pork Bun(Raw) RMAF BFS rox BEAK rox SaWeIZTR ER f ERE) 250g 500g 2509x2 or 4.50 /Ea 540g ‘Customer Service Hotline: uae secon of tem mye ie sd yl be Not yet a member? Fmare > RBeR Follow us on BER SRES REREAD ‘Sete pe pent ste yo es Spa 1-866-868-5678 ——— ose Aw TT FA vomon El cuter rierpitt eres ene ESHARe A a ‘ ‘pot Teper TTSipematet ee on

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