Products in this flyer
Takins care of your family 3° nA Whole Blends, Hair Expertise or AXE hair care sss selected varietieSa= and sizes desea Caras EA Old Spice bar, soap 8xi41 gor ~~ Olay or Old Spice body wash 364-887 mL selected varieties 2R6BEU ARIST EA Pantene Aveeno daily or Maui moisturizing hair care lotion or selected Garnier all in o1 varieties Micellar water and sizes selected varieties dowssae ARTEL EA and sizes Jeena EARNESTS_ EA aa Hal Webber lo; Naturals selected vitamins or : varieties supplement | |Omega3-69 and sizes selected |x noome naan. t0 varieties | @ mtr ! and sizes Sion os, | sortase Aare EA t For All Your Hair Care Needs Hydrates 2X ponder, Olay Regenerist Hysturonic +Peptide 24 cleansers, serums or gels selected vanees and sizos 21479260_ENV21479258 EA Ss ‘mapeasezets_EA2I22OTT EA 7 APOTEX teva sanpoz Mytan a a =o = S==_ as - . ~~ — SENSODYNE Grnaie : Colgate, Crest or Listerine a Sey Promium tooth Sensodyne or ProNeteTERINE | ‘emium b yn manual toothbrush, toothpaste, Colgate mouthwash, premium tooth; i Polident or Poligrip toothbrush, Crest ProsHealt selected varieties rinse, Oral-B Satin floss 4 and sizes ‘manmoone CARE IIOND CA Always pads 12-24's, liners 30-60's, Tampax tampons 16-20's, [per U by Kotex pads 14-24's, liners = or tampons 18's selected ertoe| 27a AINE EA 45/74 § selected varietie: Body Love Ran ot body tons. selec vibes ed ses ~ 2eADBOE EA SSEIVES cat & soea dete leer or {gece cro selected varieties and ses ~29086 001 EA 7? eens oe br Sts SEA or manual toothbrush j selected varieties ‘and gizes ann Aone varieties 12-66's TUES ARITA EA Huggies baby wipes selected varieties 960-1152'S" = ee - + mu" HUGGIES natural care pes __-— ERE co tes stent Dove rere
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